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央視國際 2003年10月31日 11:09






  My parents:

  I was born in a family of musicians.

  My father is a professor of music specializing in vocals

  My mother is a violinist.

  Singing became the sole aim of my life since I was quite young.

  So my father acted as my home music teacher, taught me basic knowledge of music and vocals.


  He still encourages me to learn more about music.

  ‘Always try to be better,’ is the sentence he always says to me.

  My mum is different from my father. She wants me to master English.

  About studying English and little story:

  Because I was good at English, my English teacher liked me very much, and often gave me private lessons.

  At first I really liked it and thought that it was fun, but bit by bit the pressure began wearing on me.

  You know, almost every child is like this.

  Once something that used to be fun becomes hard work, they begin to lose interest.

  The same thing happened to me, and I almost gave up.

  Funny Story:

  Once had a date with a really handsome foreign boy, but just because I could not speak English well, we could only sit there, and stare at each other but say nothing.

  That’s suffering, you know a really handsome boy in front of you and not being able to talk to him.

  To me I think the most useful way to study English is watching movies.

  I like the American series play very much, the dialogues inside are funny, easy and quite useful,

  so I almost watch it every day and try to get the way they speak, imitate the tone they use. This has helped me a lot.

  Then because of one singing competition, I signed a contract with a Hong Kong company, started to establish my career in Hong Kong.

  When I was in Hong Kong it became evident that my English was really poor.

  Because Hong Kong People like to use English words when they talk, I had to study both English and Cantonese.

  My company was good to me and they offered me English lessons in my spare time.

  That was when I began to take English seriously.

  About music

  I spent a long time on my album 寂寞的自由,


  I was involved in the all steps of production.

  The music style of this album is a bit new age, gentle rock and folk.

  And I have written the lyrics to four songs as well.

  You know a well-known musician, Luan Shu, he did helped me a lot too.

  He even gave me the song which belongs to him, written by Wang Luobin, the most famous musician in Western China.

  It’s really a nice song.

  And the song I like most is the title song, < The Freedom of Loneliness>寂寞的自由。And 《幸福的存在》,《空位》and…. Actually I like every song, they are like my babies…

  I think the main idea of this album is enjoy the freedom of loneliness.

  Because the best present a person can give to himself is freedom.

  Once you have the freedom you have the happiness.

  Here I also want to thank the VMP Company, which gave me enough space to do the music I like.

  I hope everybody will like it.

  If you haven’t heard it yet, please hurry up and find a copy of the album!

  About myself:

  Emm…actually I am not really a quiet girl, I am a bit of a tomboy, always on (the) move.

  I cannot stay in one place for a long time.

  I like exploring new places, traveling, waveboarding, diving, dancing.

  The reason I like waveboarding (is that) I think is it’s a kind of sport (that) can challenge myself.

  It can make me stronger and braver.

  Maybe some day you will see a crazy woman dancing in a club.

  That could be me. Arhh…..I have (a) quiet side too.

  I enjoy writing some small articles on line, reading novels, listening to music and so on.

  Oh I like cooking as well, I can cook really nice soups.

  Maybe one day (I) can cook for you.

  Well, I guess that’s all I have to say.
