央視國際 (2005年03月18日 14:26)
點擊本期關鍵詞:rock and roll 搖滾
city, cinch, center, cease, cycle,
certain, cent, cell, cite, ceiling
can, act, cup, club, credit, cream
語音變輕鬆 諮詢電話:010-51922126
三、看大片學英語 《搖滾校園》
Dewey is a rock singer, and although he is almost 30, he has accomplished nothing. One day he hears that a competition called “Battle of the Bands” will be held in the city, and the winner will get a lot of prize money. But at this moment, he is kicked out of his former band and loses a great opportunity to earn big money. But in order to make a living, he must earn money. He needs a job. By chance he takes his friend’s name to get a job as a substitute teacher in a private school. But think about it, how can he be a good teacher if he can’t even spell the name of his friend? Let’s watch. He discovers that his students have some musical talent, and he suddenly gets a great idea that can help him realize his dream. He decides to form a rock band with school children. In order to keep the group a secret from the parents, he tells the children that the rock band is a school project, and everyone in the band can get A plus. He starts to train the kids in rock and roll and tries his best to realize the children’s potential. At the same time, he gives each student an instrument or duty to let them be in the band. In the meantime, he tries to establish the children’s sense of responsibility. Gradually, children are touched by Dewey’s enthusiasm. The kids decide to call the group “School of Rock”. But when the time comes for the parent-teacher meeting, Dewey has to explain what he has done to children’s parents. But the rock band meets with the disapprove of the teacher and parents. The children must wrack their brains to find a way to participate in the competition. Will they take part in the competition in the end? Will their performance be a success?
家長們在得到孩子們參加比賽的消息後立即趕到了現場。儘管school of rock受到了老師和家長們的阻撓,但憑藉着孩子們對音樂的喜愛和永不放棄的精神,在xxx的帶領下,school of rock終於站在了舞臺上。儘管沒有拿到冠軍,但孩子們憑藉獨特的風格和精湛的表演贏得了家長和老師的認可,贏得了社會的尊敬。
As soon as the parents get the message that children are taking part in the competition, they rush to the scene. Although the School of Rock was blocked by the teacher and parents, through the children’s excellent performance and their never-say-die spirit, the School of Rock goes on the stage under the leadership of Dewey. Although the band doesn’t win the championship, they won the approval of the teacher and parents, and at the same time they win the respect of society.
1、I’m in charge now. 現在我説了算
Charge是掌管,主管的意思,in charge 就是負責,説了算
2、Keep it zipped. 保密
Zip是拉鎖的意思,在這裡就閉上嘴,不説話的意思,keep it zip就是一直不説話,就
3、Are we going to goof off everyday?
goof off,goof的意思是混,打發時間,goof off在這裡就是混日子,游手好閒。
責編:蘭華 來源:CCTV.com