央視國際 (2005年02月23日 14:55)
昨天剛過完小年,我在這裡給大家拜個早年了。祝大家萬事如意 身體健康
趙:過了春節我們就送走了猴年,迎來了雞年。那你知道生肖雞(rooster, cock)在英語裏應該怎麼表達嗎?不知道不要緊,先來看下今天的本期導視。
春節 Spring Festival
先講講生肖的來歷傳説,順帶介紹十二生肖的英文説法:Chinese zodiac
the 12 symbolic animals: rat, ox, tiger, hare, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, cock, dog, and hog
cock a snook :嗤之以鼻 chicken out of doing sth:(因害怕而)臨陣退縮
Do not kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.意思就是“別殺下金蛋的鵝”,“別斷了財路”,“別砍搖錢樹”。在中文裏,也有一句“殺雞取卵”(to kill the hen to eggs)的話,正跟英文不謀而合──你殺鵝我就殺雞。
中文中很多提到雞的意思英文中都是用鵝來説的,説到鵝,你知道它跟鋼-筆有什麼關係麼 鋼筆最早是用鵝毛削的,叫鵝毛筆goose quill,有兩千年曆史了,鋼筆pen在拉丁文裏是penna,就是羽毛feather的意思。中文“千里送鵝毛”意思是禮輕意重。
1、雞的英文名稱 (配 圖片) chicken, chick, cock, rooster, hen
2.雞的成語:(做紙板) 雄雞報曉 夜半雞叫 cock?crow 黎明,雞鳴時分
雞犬不寧 turmoil, in which even fowls and dogs are not left in peace
雞鳴狗盜crow like a cock and snatch like a dog
look for a bone in an egg 雞蛋裏挑骨頭 殺雞用牛刀 break a butterfly on the wheel
a chicken and egg situation/problem 難於決定其中孰先孰後的形勢/問題
cock and bull story, 荒誕無稽的故事 cock of the walk (過時),稱王稱霸的人
cock-a-doo-dle-doo 成年公雞啼叫的喔喔聲
5、雞年未到 “雞已走俏”
It’s the year of the chicken, and in many of the stores in Heilongjiang you can see all sorts of ornaments and decorations with images of chickens. This Lucky Rooster is cast in pure gold; this Prosperity Chicken is carved from green jade, and these various toy chickens are even more vivid and lifelike. This gallant Rooster is almost a meter high, and is a favorite among consumers. According the clerks in the store, these chicken ornaments are not exactly cheap, going for more than 1,000 RMB apiece, yet every day they sell quite a few.
1. There is a legend about the origin of "year". In ancient times, our ancestors were subject to the threat of a most ferocious animal called 'Nian' u, which lived on various kinds of animals. In winter where food was scarce in the mountains, 'Nian' would intrude the villages to eat human beings and beasts of burden. People were frightened and on tenterhooks. People fought against Nian for
many years, and they found Nian was afraid of three things: red color, fire and sound. Therefore, in winter people hung a piece of red peach wood at the door, lighted a pile of fire at the gate, beat gongs and drums heavily to make a loud sound, without sleeping throughout the night. One night Nian intruded into the village again and saw the red color and fire at every door and heard a thunderous sound. It was frightened and retreated to the mountains. From then on it dare not come out again.
壓歲錢: Red Packets主持人説小時候最喜歡過節是因為除了不用上學,還能從長輩手中得到壓歲錢,作為一年自己能支配的零花錢。這塊主要聊聊
中國還有對壓歲錢另外一個叫法:紅包:red papers
1、 送禮:異地送花
Now you can send flowers to friends who are in distant countries. In the recent Spring Festival holiday, many flower shops in large cities such as Beijing and Guangzhou began to offer this service. With a quick phone call you can send flowers to your friends in other cities. And you can even send flowers to friends in other countries; you merely have to order the flowers two days in advance.
2、 短信拜年:
According to statistics, the number of New Year’s greeting messages sent during the 2004 Spring Festival exceeded 10 billion, which was 3 billion more than 2003’s total of 7 billion. The total volume of short messages sent during the peak hours of 8:00 to 9:00 on New Year’s Eve exceeded 10 million. In addition, with picture messages becoming increasingly common, this year’s volume of picture short messages can be expected to reach a new high.
Top5 先輪流由一個人提出,再放小片念理由,最後由另兩個人表示贊同和反對:最後加外採
5.廟會temple fair
This is the most traditional Chinese style of celebrating the new year. At the miaohui, or “Temple Fair” you can see all sorts of interesting performances, and can taste all kinds of delicious snacks and delicacies. But most importantly, you can view the smiling faces of the people around you, which will fill you with the infectious holiday spirit, bringing you a joyous Spring Festival.
同意:凈化心靈,體驗純粹的春節氣氛 反對:人聲鼎沸,路上奔波太久,基本什麼也看不到
4. 書店bookstore:
If you prefer to have more quiet and fruitful Spring holiday, the library or a bookstore is the best choice. You can relax and recharge your batteries, learn new knowledge, and experience the joy of reading.
During the long spring holiday, it’s fun to socialize with friends by playing sports, skiing, or exercising. Going to the gymnasium to exercise is a good way of building a healthy body, which can help improve your work and study.
With the low season nearing an end, tourists can catch their last chance for cheap tours before the Spring Festival, which falls on Feb. 9. Tour prices had been declining after the weeklong National Day holiday in October, with some routes reaching record lows, but a lot of scenic spots and hotels are set to raise their prices.
責編:蘭華 來源:CCTV.com