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央視國際 2004年11月19日 11:11

  你了解GLASSES嗎 你有過戴眼鏡的麻煩嗎 你知道有哪些保護眼睛的方法嗎

  你想知道最時尚的GLASSES嗎 你知道哪些眼鏡最適合你嗎

  你知道怎麼戴眼鏡最酷嗎 讓我們一起關注今天的GLASSES


  near-sighted glasses,近視鏡

  reading glasses 花鏡

  contact lenses 隱型眼鏡

  frame 鏡架

  sunglasses / shade(美口) 太陽鏡

  People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.

  自己有毛病 就不能批評別人

  to see through rose - coloured glasses 樂觀地看待一切

  最酷的眼鏡:NEO 的眼鏡

  一副墨鏡 一身黑衣 這就是他的標誌 讓他在真實與虛擬的世界中勇往直前,

  戰無不勝 人們不僅僅會記住只有他才能做出的那些特技動作,更主要的是

  那副永遠戴着的太陽鏡。即使他什麼都不説 你也可以完全感受到他的魅力

  儘管他的敵人也戴着這樣的眼鏡 可是你還是會覺得只有他戴才是最酷的

  The coolest glasses: Neo’s glasses.

  A pair of dark sunglasses, dark black clothes: these are his trademarks.

  Bravely jumping back and forth between the real world and the virtual world,

  conquering every menace, we remember him not just

  because of those special effects that only he can carry out,

  but even more for those ever-present sunglasses.

  Even when he keeps silent, you can still feel his powerful presence.

  And even though his enemies wear sunglasses, too,

  it is Neo who looks the most cool wearing them.

  最尖端的眼鏡:施瓦辛格 和 007的眼鏡

  作為有着超凡能力的特工 他們有着各種各樣的法寶 也包括他們的眼鏡

  你也一定早就想擁有他們這樣的眼鏡了 因為它們不僅僅是是眼鏡

  也可以是最神秘的武器 隨時變換出各種各樣神奇的功能

  讓你更加神通廣大 出奇制勝 有了這種最高科技的眼鏡


  The most cutting-edge glasses: Schwarzenegger and 007

  As secret agents with extraordinary powers, these two have all sorts of tricks up their sleeve, including their glasses. Everyone wants to own a pair of glasses like these. They are not just glasses, but also secret weapons, equiped with amazing gadgets. They endow the wearer with great powers, and provide a decisive advantage in a battle. With this kind of high-tech glasses, you, too, might become a world-famous secret agent.

  最善於偽裝的眼鏡:哈裏 波特的眼鏡

  他看起來文質彬彬的 但是絕對不可輕視



  竟會有如此的法術 他的眼鏡雖然沒有特別的魔力


  就是最好的偽裝 你可不得不小心

  Best glasses for a disguise: Harry Potter’s glasses

  They have a scholarly and well-mannered look, but don’t underestimate them.

  They are the embodiment of magic and intelligence.

  No one could imagine that this boy with glasses could wield such magic power.

  Although his glasses don’t have any specific magic effect, putting them on a boy

  like Harry makes for a great disguise. So look out!

  最結實的眼鏡:DAVIDS 的眼鏡

  他是足球場上的角鬥士 他呈現給我們的不僅僅是精湛的球技 還有最酷的造型


  眼鏡是他的保護神 無論他在足球場上如何衝鋒陷陣

  他的眼鏡永遠陪伴着他 這可算得上是最結實的眼鏡 也是他最忠實的夥伴

  The sturdiest glasses: Davids’ glasses.

  He is a gladiator of the soccer field,

  and he displays not only great skill with the soccer ball,

  but also a very cool appearance.

  And the glasses he wears give him even more fire

  and confidence.. These glasses are his guardian angel.

  No matter how rough the action gets on the playing field,

  his glasses always accompany him. And so we can say that Davids’ glasses

  are the sturdiest glasses, as well as the most faithful companion.







  The glasses that receive the most attention: The glasses of Chinese soccer team head coach.

  As the head coaches of the Chinese soccer team, everyone knows

  they are under a lot of pressure. They have the hardest job in the world.

  Every soccer fan hopes that they can pick the most outstanding athletes

  so that the Chinese soccer team can quickly become a world-class team.

  Thus all their likes and dislikes, their habits, their every action

  becomes the focus of soccer fans. And this includes the glasses they wear.

  最變幻莫測的眼鏡:ELTON JOHN的眼鏡

  ELTON JOHN 是樂壇的神話 他不僅用音樂征服了我們

  還有他對時尚的獨特的理解 自從他成名之後


  他的眼鏡更是出神入化 他每次必須配帶的不同樣式的眼鏡


  The most ever-changing glasses: Elton John’s glasses.

  Elton John is an icon of the pop music world.

  He not only captures our hearts with music,

  but also with his unique fashion sense.

  Since he became famous, changes his appearance with each performance,

  and his glasses add the finishing touch. Each time he plays

  he wears a different style of glasses, adding to his superstar mystique.
