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央視國際 2004年06月04日 16:32

  一. 媒體路路通

  1. The Sasser worm struck on May 1, and in less than a week affected thousands of companies and as many as 18 million computers worldwide, forcing some businesses to shut temporarily in order to debug their systems. The worm causes computers to crash(死機) and reboot (重啟)numerous times, Three measures can avoid future virus problems:

  1.keep your anti-viru program (殺毒軟體)up-to-date

  2.do not open email attachments(附件) from unknown persons

  3.install a fire wall (防火墻)on your computer



  2)debug 清除錯誤

  3)worm 原意是蠕蟲,在IT界,專指電腦的蠕蟲病毒

  2. Sasser Worm Suspect Confesses to German Police

  German police have arrested an 18-year-old man who confessed to creating the "Sasser" computer worm, believed to be one of the costliest Internet attacks.

  Microsoft, the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation and German police had worked together to find the suspect, who was identified by someone hoping to collect the $250,000 bounty that Microsoft put on his head.

  Police described the suspect as a highly intelligent "computer freak" living with his parents.




  2.put a bounty on somebody’s head 懸賞

  3.computer freak 電腦迷 電腦狂


  Yes! I’m in.

  You’ve hacked into the U.S.Dept of Justice.

  Do you know what will happen if they trace it here?

  The chief of computer will call me

  a genius,move me to Moscow and

  give me a million bucks hard currency.

  I think not.

  Besides the American are slug-heads?

  Nobody screws with Boris Grishenko.

  Spiked them!

  Come on, Boris, just hang up.

  No way! I spiked them.

  All right.what’s the password?

  I’m not going to tell you.

  Ok. Let me guess.

  It’s not in front of me.

  You sit on it,but you can’t take it with you.

  My program seizes the phone line of

  whoever is tracing me and

  jams their modem

  so they can’t hang up.

  Now the hunted becomes the hunter.

  Better luck next time.


  I’m invincible.

  English points:

  1. hack 是電腦黑客hacker的動詞形式,hack是砍和劈的意思

  2. buck 是美圓的一種俚語的説法

  3. slug-head原來的意思是一種叫蛞蝓的蟲子,俗稱鼻涕蟲,這裡是“笨蛋”的意思

  4. jam 有阻塞 干擾的意思,我們通常説traffic jam(交通堵塞),paper jam 卡紙了

  5. invincible 戰無不勝的



