央視國際 2004年05月13日 15:57
Animal anecdotes 動物趣聞
內容簡介:動物可愛,趣聞多多。俄羅斯舉行小豬賽跑;動物園裏的老虎,狗和豬住在一起居然相安無事;在美國出生的大熊貓回到中國。看新聞,學英語,千萬不要錯過。本期關鍵詞:Animal anecdotes.
pig豬 Piglet 小豬
dog狗 puppy小狗
cat貓 kitty小貓
horse馬 pony小馬
panda 大熊貓
black bear 黑熊
polar bear 北極熊
grizzly bear 灰熊
Winnie the Pooh 維尼熊
The ten month-old piglets were introduced to the crowds prior to the flag going up, to the delight of spectators and competitors alike. People are very interested and the pigs train well. Organizers say they have made changes to the rule. In the past years, the first past the post also meant first to the pot. This year, however, the winning pig named Apollo, was rewarded with a dish of carrots and cream rather than being served next to them.
When Saimai, a five month-old female Bengal Tiger, snuggles down with Labradors Ko and Nong Prae and Lucy the pig, there's never a cross moment - just good, clean family fun. The experiments have consistently proved a big draw for tourists.
After a 13-hour flight from the sunshine US coastal city of San Diego to the wintry Chinese capital of Beijing, Huamei set foot on her ancestral home for the first time. Her parents were lent to the US in 1996. And as part of the agreement between the two countries, the couple’s only offspring was to leave her birthplace and travel to China on her third birthday. Only one thousand pandas remain in the world, with 22 living outside China.