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央視國際 2004年01月15日 16:25



  在今天的節目中, 您將看到優勝劣汰這無情的自然法則,在動物世界中的主導作用以及為了生存,動物們進化出的各式各樣的本領.



  要在坦桑尼亞的塞倫蓋蒂平原上成長為一隻成年雄性托氏瞪羚,需要經歷無數艱難險阻,成功取決於速度,勇敢, 機智和好運.大自然賦予托氏瞪羚輕巧的身材,居然能適應這種險惡的環境,而對這些小羚羊來説,生命之旅才剛剛開始.






  小公羚身處險境,它需要快快長大,變得足夠敏捷才能逃脫天敵的魔爪.附近的雄性羚羊突然警覺起來,發出了危險警報, 獅子來了.小公羚快速來到母親身旁躲了起來.

  獅子們不久前剛剛吃過東西,它們有些昏昏欲睡, 並沒有多少攻擊性.不過, 母親仍需時刻保持警覺.


  這對胡狼協同作戰,一隻引開母羚羊, 另一隻對付小羚羊.

  母親孤立無援, 疲憊不堪,她已經盡了自己最大的努力.

  To be an adult male Thomson's gazelle on Tanzania's Serengeti plains is a journey fraught with danger. Success relies on speed, bravery, cunning and good fortune.

  The "tommies" daintiness belies a winning design, perfected to cope with this savage place.

  Yet for some, the perilous road to adulthood is only just beginning.

  Only ten minutes old, a newborn male gazelle struggles to his feet. He needs to stand on all fours, because the sooner he can get his legs moving, the greater the chance he'll survive. It's February when the rains have brought fresh growth to the short grass plains. Everywhere mothers are nursing their fawns or are busy in labour.

  Prompted by his mother, the newborn fawn takes his first faltering steeps. He's a born runner, but only practise will make him perfect. Tommies rarely relax for long. The herd is alert to its most-feared shadows. 90 per cent of prey killed by cheetahs on these grasslands are Thomson's gazelles. Tommies are extremely wary. By keeping at a safe distance, each gazelle reduces the likelihood of being caught.

  The fawn is exposed and at risk. He must grow fast to be swift enough to outrun all his enemies. Nearby a group of males are suddenly wary, giving an advance warning that lions are approaching. At his mother's side the youngster is reasonably well-hidden. The lions have recently fed. They are lethargic and not an immediate threat. But it still pays for the mother to be vigilant.

  Thomson's gazelle fawns are just about the largest prey that golden jackals will tackle.

  During the birth season jackals - in pairs - quarter every part of their territory. Even so, by lying low the day-old fawn may escape detection. But nearby another is out of hiding.

  The jackals work as a team. One distracts the mother while the other concentrates on the fawn. Echausted and outnumbered, there is little she can do.


  現在 這只走過來的獵豹成了動物們關注的焦點,羚羊在安全距離之外尾隨着獵豹,始終保持着高度警惕.獵豹無法進行突然襲擊,它明智地走開了.它把目光瞄準了胡狼.

  對獵豹而言, 這只是一場游戲罷了.



  在塞倫蓋蒂, 每年有三萬隻小羚羊成為捕食者的盤中餐,只有強者能夠生存下來.

  獵豹在雨季過得相對滋潤些,不過, 小羚羊會逐漸長大,那時獵豹的日子也就沒那麼好過了.


  Now, all eyes are fixed on an approaching cheetah. The gazelles follow the cheetah at a safe distance, never dropping their guard. This reduces the chance of a surprise attack. The cheetah knows it, and moves on only to give the jackal a pounding. To the cheetah, it's just a game.

  A mother cheetah with two cubs is a threat to all fawns especially to the late arrivals.

  This opportunity is not for her, but her cubs.

  Even at 14 months old, the cheetah cubs are far from expert hunters. They need to practise their running and tripping skills on these young fawns. It's all useful exercise for catching adults later on.

  30,000 fawns each year fall victim to the Serengeti's predators. It will take a bit more than luck to see the others through. For the cheetahs, living is easy in the wet season. But it'll get steadily more difficult as the remaining fawns grow up.

  Under the careful guidance of their mother, the cheetah cubs grow technically closer to perfection.



  公羚羊, 母羚羊和小羚羊成群結隊離開草原, 開始向西北方向遷徙,它們離開草原進入灌木區,有許多雙眼睛關注着它們的遷徙.獵豹也會跟着羚羊一起遷徙,它們知道在哪能找到羚羊.羚羊群在途中只做短暫的停歇,因為更新鮮的食物吸引它們前行,對小公羚來説, 一切都是那麼新奇.


  即使在遷徙途中,公羚羊也在試圖建立自己的臨時領地,小公羚的母親再次被異性窮追不捨.不過, 愛情正在使這只公羚羊失去起碼的警惕性.母獵豹帶着幼獵豹一年能吃掉50多只成年羚羊,奇怪的是,它們把公羚羊當成主要的進攻目標.小羚羊很快就覺察到了危險,而這只成年羚羊卻死守着自己的領地.

  獵豹的最快時速可達70英里,而托氏瞪羚只有50英里,不過, 瞪羚的轉彎速度比獵豹快得多.


  By the following morning the short grass plains are abandoned. Males, females and young push northwest in large herds. As they leave the plains and enter the bush country, their passage is noted by many eyes. Cheetahs migrate with the tommies and they know where to find them.

  Pausing only briefly, the promise of fresher food drives them on. For the young male, it is all unfamiliar territory. A female cheetah with four mature cubs to feed is formidable opposition. Even on the move, males try to establish temporary territories. Once again the young male's mother receives attention from a suitor. But the business of courtship takes the male's attention from more pressing concerns. A cheetah with cubs may take over fifty adult gazelles a year. Surprisingly, males are main targets. A youngster is quick to recognise the danger, but the adult is reluctant to leave his patch. Cheetahs can sprint at up to seventy miles an hour, tommies only fifty. But tommies are much quicker on the turn. Because of the continual distraction of females, the male gazelles are much more likely to be killed by cheetahs than their mates.


  在一年當中的這個時期,所有的羚羊都會感到身體虛弱,酷熱難熬,由於過度疲乏, 它們無法正常進食,身上滿是扁虱和跳蚤.歐椋鳥會通過幫助羚羊梳理毛髮來獲得一份不錯的午餐.如今, 小公羚已經5個月大了,它頭上的雄性特徵開始顯現出來.

  托氏瞪羚一般從食物裏獲取所需水分,而今, 草木已經乾枯,它們不得不四處尋找留下來的水坑飲水.

  它們生性膽怯, 知道這種地方常常是掠食者的最佳藏身地.不過, 河馬全無惡意.


  At this time of year she and the others are suffering from weakness and heat stress. They are too weary to feed properly and their coats are riddled with ticks, fleas and flies. Some relief comes from wattled starlings grooming the gazelles to catch an easy meal. Now five months' old, the growing male boasts the first signs of horns.

  Tommies normally get all the moisture they need from their food. Now, with the grass bone dry, they are forced to find water in the few drinking holes that remain. Timid as ever, they know this oasis is also a good hiding place for predators. But hippos are quite harmless. Others from the migrant herds travel to larger rivers which guarantee a year-round supply of wa righ.

  Crocodiles,up to twenty feet long, have waited for months.



  長有條紋的安康捨棄了捕食魚類一般都有的, 強有力的尾巴,而以同手的功能相近的鰭來取而代之,失去了追逐獵物的能力,安康只得將魚兒引誘到它身邊.


  為了讓這個誘餌充分發揮作用,它必須是安康身上唯一引人注目的部位.它那錯綜複雜的圖案和毛茸茸的外表,模糊了它身體的輪廓,它的樣子就像鑲飾着海藻的岩石,甚至還隨着水波的流動來回搖擺,像手一樣的鰭 起到了穩定器的作用,並且還能增強出擊時的力度,洞穴般的嘴巴,足以吞下相當於它自身大小的獵物.



  The Great Barrier Reef is home to more than 2000 different fish species, all with their own specialised weapons.

  It is this specialisation that enables each to eke out a living in this competitive environment.

  The striped angler fish has forsaken the powerful swimming tail of the pursuit predators for modified fins that function as hands.

  Without the ability to chase prey, this angler entices fish to come to it.

  The angler's most spedialised feature is its fishing rod: a modified spine from the dorsal fin, complete with a flap of tissue that wiggles like live bait.

  For the lure to be effective it must be the only part of the fish that is conspicuous.

  Intricate patterning and feathery outgrowths break up its bodyline.

  It takes on the appearance of algae encrusted rock, even swaying with the motion of the current.

  Hand-like fins act as stabilisers and add leverage for the strike.

  The cavernous mouth is large enough to handle prey almost the angler's own size.

  The xplosive attack occurs in 150th of a second.

  By violently swallowing, prey is sucked in along with a rush of water.

  It's a weapon that works well for this little fish, giving it the opportunity to feed on prey that would be too fast to purse.


  有一種動物使用的彈射武器,並不是它身體的一部分,而是充分利用了它周圍的環境.在熱帶的河流, 溪水中生活着一種動物,它的彈射武器尖端得像大火力來福槍一樣,大多數魚都以水中的生物為食,而射水魚卻能捕捉到那些在水面附近活動的獵物.它們成功地擴展了自己的捕獵區域,所用的方法並不是跳出水面,而是在水下向昆蟲們發射水彈,像一名水下狙擊手一樣,它們不會事先將自己暴露,即使在有效射程內靠近獵物時,它們也會受到水面反射作用的掩護,準備發射時,它們就用極富彈性的舌頭頂住上顎,這正好形成了槍管的形狀,魚鰓的迅速收縮形成了巨大的力量,能將它們的高效水彈以每秒16米的速度發射出去.但只憑它們的嘴巴,還不足以保證準確地擊中目標,因為它們總是從水下發射,所以它們必須先解決一個複雜的物理問題.攻擊目標看上去的位置,其實並不是它們真正的所在,因此射水魚的眼睛就成為了武器中的重要組成部分,要能夠判斷出光進入水面後産生的折射.

  如果獵物距離這些無敵射手還不足一米遠的話, 那麼它就死定了.

  在動物王國中, 只有射水魚擁有這種獨一無二的, 罕見的, 無與倫比的致命武器.

  One creature uses a projectile weapon that is not part of its body but part of its environment.

  Within the rivers and streams throughout the tropics there lives an animal that has a projectile weapon sophisticated as a high powered rifle.

  While most fish feed on what lives in the water, the archerfish can attack those that linger above the surface.

  They have successfully extended their hunting grounds, not by leaping out of the water but by firing water bullets at insects from below.

  Like an underwater sniper they are not conspicuous to their targets.

  Even as they approach within shooting range, their movements are masked by the reflections on the water surface.

  When preparing to fire, they press their flexible tongues against a gainst a groove on the roof of their steeply pitched. This forms the directional barrel of their pistol.

  The rapid compression of their gills provides the explosive force to launch their high-powered water bullets at an impressive 60 metres per second.

  But their modified mouths alone are not enough to ensure an accurate aim.

  Because they always shoot from under water, they must first solve a complex problem of physics.

  Where the target appears to be, may not actually be where it is.

  And so their eyes have become a vital component of their weapon, able to correct for the way light bends as it enters the water.

  An unrivalled sharpshooter, at distances of less than a metre their aim is invariably lethal.

  Unique in the Animal Kingdom, the rare and unparalleled design.
