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央視國際 2003年11月04日 16:57


  今日關鍵詞:English Name

  在今天的節目中您將看到,英文名字同中文名字一樣具有一定的含義; Elyn和Rebecca對中國人起英文名字,提建議,談方法; 您還會瀏覽到眾多明星的中英文名字。在媒體路路通中您將了解到目前美國家長為孩子取名字的新動向以及近期的熱點新聞; 在Outlook BBS中,Stuart和Spencer為您展示英英與美英在發音方面的不同。



  A name, born with a new life, should be meaningful and resounding.

  A name will accompany a person through the ups and downs of life until the very end.


  My Chinese name is Luo Weizhuo. In Chinese, Wei means great, and Zhuo means outstanding, so bring the two words together, great and outstanding, that's a kind of person my father expect me to be.


  My Chinese name is Miao Qianqian.

  Belive it or not, my father began to choose the name 3 months before my coming. He looked up the dictionary very carefully and wrote down about 20 boy's name on a list and even more girl's on the other.


  My Chinese name is Wang Yi. My given name Yi means that my family hope that I will have strong will to be success.

  總的説來, 港臺藝人的英文名字大體有以下幾種情況,第一種就是用與自己中文名字發音相近的英文名字,在為自己取英文名字的時候,這種情況最為普遍,現成的例子比比皆是,例如新銳,節奏藍調歌手周傑倫的英文名字是Jay,而另一位台灣歌手蔡依林的英文名字則是Jolin, 一如她的形象一樣乖巧可愛.另外, 容祖兒這位香港年輕的女歌手則為自己選擇了Joey這個名字.大陸著名的演員及歌手趙薇,頗受青少年們的寵愛,她的英文名Vicky,聽起來有種跳躍的感覺,與她活潑的形象頗有幾分神似.最後, 香港演技派女演員的代表人物張曼玉的Maggie這個名字,透着些成熟, 性感,很容易讓人聯想到屏幕上她那風姿綽約的形象.


  例如有些藝人取他們偶像的名字,陳小春就屬於這一類,他的偶像是NBA的籃球巨星Michael Jordan,他當然不會捨棄Jordan這個偉大的名字而選其它了.

  此外, 有些名字比較中性 男女皆宜,例如Leslie.著名影星張國榮的英文名就是Leslie,女孩子也可以用這個名字,還有更多人僅僅是喜歡某個英文名字,而並沒有太多可供聯想之處.

  我們希望您能從上面的介紹當中獲得一些靈感.我們也希望大家能夠挑選出,富有個性的, 自己喜歡的英文名字.

  The English names of actors, actresses and singers from Hong Kong and Taiwan can generally be divided into different categories. The first category is English names that sound very similar to the pronunciation of their Chinese names. When giving themselves an English name, most stars follow this rule. There are lots of examples available.

  For example, China’s most popular R&B singer 周傑倫, whose English name is Jay. And another popular singer from Taiwan, the lovely 蔡依林, has an English name that’s as cute and sweet as her – Jolin Tsai. And 容祖兒, a very young singer from Hong Kong, has chosen Joey as her English name.

  趙薇, a very famous actress and singer from the mainland who’s very popular with children and young students, has named herself Vicky. The vibrant name reflects her vivacious image.

  And finally, the very famous and talented actress 張曼玉, whose English name - Maggie - sounds mature and sexy – a constant reminder of her graceful and charming image. And we have a lot of other similar examples.

  The second category is English names that have no obvious connection with the pronunciation or meaning of their original names but are special to them. For example, some actors, actresses and singers name themselves after their own idols. 陳小春 fits this category. His idol is NBA superstar Michael Jordan, so of course he couldn’t resist this great name.

  There are also some relatively neutral names, which can be used by both men and women, like Leslie, which is the English name of the late and great film star 張國榮. But girls can also use this name. And still more people choose their English names just because they like the sound.

  Anyway, we hope our introduction gives you some inspiration when you decide to pick an English name for yourself. We hope you choose a special English name that you’re really happy with.



  大家要注意的是,在英文姓名中,姓與名的排放順序與中文的相反,是名在前,姓在後 .

  一般結構是:名+中間名+姓,比如説:William Jefferson Clinton.其中名的英文説法有:given name,first name,forename;而中間名的英文説法是:middle name;姓的英文説法則有:surname,family name,last name.

  在很多場合下,中間名往往可以略去不寫,比如説:William Clinton;而很多人則更喜歡用昵稱來取代正式名,比如:Bill Clinton.


  首先一個是Andrew, 那它是什麼意思呢?指的是a brave and fearless man,也就是"無畏的人" 很勇敢. 對.

  還有Francis, 來看一下,這個名字也是很常見的,它是什麼意思呢?指的是Free或者是Freedom,也就是"自由"的意思.

  還有這一個, 接下來的Peter,那麼這是更常見的了,這個Peter又是什麼意思呢?它指的是rock,as strong/firm as a rock,"堅如磐石" 很堅強.還有Robert, 也是很常見的一個名字,它的意思指的having good reputation,也就是"有好的名聲" 名譽很好的人.

  對, 名譽很好.最後一個是Oliver,Oliver Twist,Oliver指的是a calm person,也就是很"鎮靜 鎮定自若",很鎮定的一個人.當然這些前面都是一些男孩子的名字,這兒還有一些女孩子, 看一下.女孩子的名字就非常漂亮了,來看一下Catherine,Catherine是什麼意思呢?Catherine就是pure and innocent,就是"天真 純潔";還有Cecilia,Cecilia means sky. 天空, 非常漂亮;Linda, 我非常喜歡這個名字,因為它的意思是美麗的人,漂亮的女孩, 特別是指漂亮的女孩.

  Nancy怎麼樣?Nancy means elegant. 非常淑女.喜歡打扮成淑女的同學就可以選擇這個名字了.


  其實每個名字都有它的含義,接下來聽一聽Elyn和Rebecca在Let's Talk當中來講一講更多名字的不同含義.

  如果你叫珍珠,那麼英文中也會有與其含義相同的名字,你可以用Pearl代替珍珠作英文名字,但Margaret也是"珍珠"的意思,所以, 如果你的名字是珍珠,你不必把自己叫作Pearl,你可以叫Margaret,因為Margaret是個有珍珠含義的名字.從書中查找名字的含義很有趣,比如Isaac, 它是個男孩名字,它的意思是"笑" 含義很好,是個比較傳統的名字.

  我的一個朋友的名字叫笑,我總是對他説,在你出生的時候, 你媽媽真的在笑,對你來説 (Isaac)真是個好名字,你不用叫自己laugh,因為人們會説:"laugh? 那是你的名字嗎?那可不是個名字呀."你可以叫自己Isaac.你需要做些調查研究.是的,做點功課.你要上網, 可以在不同的網址查詢,你肯定會從書中或


  非常令人興奮,我覺得研究名字的含義很有意思.但要確定, 你選擇的是男孩名還是女孩名, 這很關鍵.



  大家好,我是Stuart 今天的句子是:This famous writer used to be a doctor.Her novels are very popular.Maybe writing is a better career for her.

  大家好,我是Spencer 今天的句子是:這位著名的女作家過去是位醫生.她的小説非常暢銷.也許寫作這個職業更適合她.

  writer, doctor, better, career, popular, water, butter的英音與美音的不同發音.
