Introduction 10-11-2005 13:54
News Hour錛堟柊闂諱竴灝忔椂錛夋槸鑻辮棰戦亾鐨勪竴妗g患鍚堟柊闂昏妭鐩紝2005騫 鏈 6鏃ュ紑鎾紝鎾嚭鏃墮棿涓烘瘡澶╀腑鍗 2鐐廣 瀹冨瘑鍒囧叧娉ㄥ浗鍐呭拰鍥介檯涓昏鏂伴椈嬩歡錛屼篃娉ㄦ剰閫夌敤璐三粡銆佹枃鍖栥 浣撹偛絳夋柟闈三殑鏂伴椈錛屼繚璇佸鍚勭被鏈 柊娑堟伅鐨勫叏闈四鐩栥 瀹冨姫鍔涘仛鍒扳 閲嶇偣紿佸嚭鈥濓紝姣忓ぉ閫夊彇涓 釜鏂伴椈嬩歡錛屾妸鏈 柊鍔ㄦ 銆佺患榪板垎鏋愩 鑳屾櫙浠嬬粛銆佷笓瀹剁偣璇勭瓑緇勫悎鍦ㄤ竴璧鳳紝鍔犲己瀵歸噸瑕佷簨浠剁殑娣卞叆瑙h銆傚畠鐨勭洰鏍囨槸涓鴻浼楁彁渚涗竴涓瑙掑害銆佸灞傞潰鐨勪俊鎭潵婧愬拰鎬濊 絀洪棿銆
News Hour is one of the main news bulletins on CCTV International. Launched on September 26th, 2005, the one-hour program is broadcast daily at 12:00 a.m. Beijing Time, 04:00 GMT. It keeps a close watch on major news-making events within China and around the world. It also pays attention to business news, entertainment and sports, aiming to provide full coverage of all the latest. In addition, the program takes an in-depth look at one major event every day, combining the latest developments with wrap-ups, backgrounders and expert鈥檚 comments. A valuable information platform, News Hour keeps you up-to-date so that you can decide.
Editor:Wang Ping