China Hits the Road 06-27-2005 16:29
In 1886, a German Engineer, named Kar Benz, created the first automobile. This horseless carriage has three wheels, with the speed of 18 kilometer/hour. A hundred years later, car has already become the most important means of transportation in the world.
China's first self-produced car is named Red Flag. The logo of red-flag is a simplified version of the Chinese national flag and the road of red-flag reflects the history of Chinese auto industry.
For a long time, more than 90% of the cars in China reserved for only the highest government officials, and so riding in a car really was a privilege in the past. Even being a driver was not an ordinary job. The program takes you to visit one of the early red-flag workers and a senior driver, who witness the changing concepts of cars in the life of average Chinese citizen.
Several decades later, owning a car is no longer a pipe dream. Having your own cars means you don't need to squeeze into a crowded bus during rush hour, and you can take your whole family out of the city for the weekend. A private car, in short, gives you more options and freedom in your life. From the quantity and variety of cars on the streets, you can easily tell Chinese people's increasing living standard as well as the future they are heading for.
Editor:Hu Hang