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Latest News
•  China rewards Olympic champions
    China´s recently-crowned Olympic champions have become new idols among the nation´s younger generation. They are widely respected for earning the nation its highest-ever haul of gold medals at the Olympics.
Chinese Athens Olympic Medallists
•  Chinese Athens Olympic Medallists
    Athens Olympics has kicked off, and everyone hopes China can win gold medals as many as possible. So we particularly open this section to introduce the gold medallists, giving you detailed information about every gold medallist.
Click here for more information鈥/font>
•  Table Tennis
    Table Tennis is an individual sport, which includes both individual and team events. Depending on gender, Table Tennis has singles, doubles, mixed doubles and team disciplines.
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Olympic History
    The long journey of the Olympic Games began more than 2,700 years ago. Records of Olympic history show that the ancient Olympic Games were held in Greece as early as in 776 BC. Navigate through the history of the Games, learn about the culture of the Olympic Movement, and be informed on the latest sport news.

You can find the story, Antiquity, and Revival of Olympic Games here...
Picture Gallery

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•  Athens 2004 Graphics
Snapshot of Athens

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Mascot錛Medal & Torch

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Chinese Olympic Preparation
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Interesting Facts
• Before the Games start, more than 1 million large bushes, 290,000 new trees and 11 million new shrubs will be thriving throughout Athens.
Olympic First in Athens
• The Olympic flame will visit for the first time all 54 Prefectures in Greece.
• All functional pictograms have been redesigned specifically for the ATHENS 2004 Olympic Games.
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