
03-01-2009 08:49

A museum on China's written language is being built in Henan's Anyang city, where Chinese characters etched on tortoise shell were first unearthed. A website has just been launched to chronicle the construction of the museum and promote its attractions to locals and tourists.

A museum on China's written language is being built in Henan's Anyang city, where Chinese characters etched on tortoise shell were first unearthed.
A museum on China's written language is being built in Henan's Anyang
city, where Chinese characters etched on tortoise shell were first

The Museum of China's Written Language is a key project for China during the 11th five-year plan from 2006 to 2010. It's also a major construction project for Henan province in central China.

The museum relates the history and development of China's written language, and its importance in recording the evolution of Chinese civilization as a whole.

The museum will protect and display Chinese language-related artifacts, and provide a base for scientific research into written language.

The museum will protect and display Chinese language-related artifacts, and provide a base for scientific research into written language. 
The museum will protect and display Chinese language-related 
artifacts, and provide a base for scientific research into written 

The museum covers 35-thousand square meters, that's about the size of five football pitches.

230 million yuan has been invested in the project.

The main hall was completed last September, and work is now focusing on building the museum's facilities and exhibition areas.

The museum is scheduled to open in October.

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Editor:Zhao Yanchen