
03-01-2009 08:52

Ancient poems are a sometimes overlooked part of China's diverse cultural heritage. A poem recital reminding young people about the ancient literary classics has been held in Chongqing Municipality in southwest China.

A poem recital reminding young people about the ancient literary classics has been held in Chongqing Municipality in southwest China.
A poem recital reminding young people about the ancient literary 
classics has been held in Chongqing Municipality in southwest China.

Students from colleges, middle schools and elementary schools joined municipal government leaders among the audience at the recital. Eight hundred people recited twenty-four literary classics -- mainly ancient Chinese poems, including those by Li Bai, Bai Juyi and Meng Jiao. They also recited a famous essay by well-known scholar Liang Qichao. And a few poems penned by late Chinese leader Mao Zedong also formed part of the program, while some college students recited sections of foreign literary classics.

Students from colleges, middle schools and elementary schools joined municipal government leaders among the audience at the recital.
Students from colleges, middle schools and elementary schools joined 
municipal government leaders among the audience at the recital.

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Editor:Zhao Yanchen