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10-17-2008 17:46 BJT

By Marc Edwards

In all honesty I wasn鈥檛 sure what to expect as I patiently waited for our flight from Beijing鈥檚 NanYuan airport to Jingdezhen, the closest airport to Wuyuan. The set up was intriguing to say the least. NanYuan airport is primarily a military airfield, so this didn鈥檛 really feel like I was jetting off to some foreign exotic location where all I鈥檇 need is a Hawaiian shirt, some suntan oil and the faintest knowledge of the local language so I could say 鈥 beer please鈥 Even before the airport, my mind was a little confused. This was due to a little conversation I鈥檇 had with my director a few weeks previously which went a bit like this:

The Super Squad (left to right) - Ian (director), Luke (technician), Yang (technician), Ang (cameraman), Lu (assistant cameraman) and Me (smiley guy...)
The Super Squad (left to right) - Ian (director), Luke (technician),
Yang (technician), Ang (cameraman), Lu (assistant cameraman) and 
Me (smiley guy...)

Me: Ok so Wuyuan is supposed to have beautiful countryside, fantastic architecture and an unrivalled set of quaint, traditional villages.

Ian: Yes, and we鈥檒l be filming all these things. But above all we鈥檙e going for the flowers.

Me: Excuse me, sounds like you just said flowers鈥/P>

Ian: Yep, I did. They only live for a couple of weeks or so鈥/P>

Me: So flying to Southeast China, to chase some flowers

Ian: Yep

Me: That鈥檒l go down well with my friends鈥

More of the flowers at the end!

I was also slightly sceptical about the fact that the nearest airport to our destination wasn鈥檛 even in the same county鈥.So it was with a hint of trepidation that I boarded my flight to China鈥檚 porcelain capital, where I would then head on to a place whose countryside and quaint villages is a must see if you have time.

The flowers (not so in bloom)
The flowers (not so in bloom) and me

Luckily that was the last bit of cynicism I felt during the entire filming trip. Wuyuan county really is a wonderful place with so many things to see.

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