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Lesson 96

Situated majestically at the southeast of Guilin city and along the west bank of the Li River, Elephant Trunk Hill 象鼻山 is regarded as the symbol of Guilin landscape. Resembling an elephant leisurely sucking water from the river with its long trunk, this hill has been known as Elephant Trunk Hill for hundreds of years. In today’s episode, Renhao and his colleagues will begin their exciting trip. Come on!


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As the saying goes, 桂林山水甲天下 "Guilin’s scenery bests all others in the world." Chinese frequently refer to it as the world´s most beautiful scenery. To many foreigners, the scenery of Guilin typifies what we imagine China looks like. Traditional Chinese painting often features exotic and imaginary scenes of mountains and rivers. But as many visitors to China exclaim, the scenery at Guilin looks just like a traditional Chinese painting. Perhaps many of those painting scenes were not imaginary after all.

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Whether your interest is the language, the food or the culture of China in general, whether you wish to travel, live or study in China, "Travel in Chinese" has something for you.
We thank you for your support this past year. If you missed any episodes or just want to go through it all one more time, you'll be happy to know that we're going to start over from the top. "Travel in Chinese" will start it's second full broadcast on May 15, here on CCTV-9. We look forward to seeing you then!


