BJT: Monday - Friday
         03:30, 09:30, 15:30



Episode 1

Episode 1

With the advance of science and technology, some drugs have been created in laboratories, such as methamphetamine, ecstasy and ketamine. Because these new types of drugs don’t have the same addictive properties of traditional drugs, they were once considered safe drugs. In fact, they are very dangerous.

Episode 2

Episode 2

Chemical testing showed that these pills were ecstasy, which is a popular drug in clubs around the world. However, this was the first ecstasy case the Chinese police had ever encountered in China. It appeared that a new type of drug had hit the streets in China. Since then, a number of other new drugs, such as crystal meth and ecstasy, began to become more common in China.

Episode 3

Episode 3

Many years ago, a Japanese film caused a sensation in China. It was a film called The Chase.

The film starts with a Japanese congressman’s suicide. After he took a drug called AX that someone secretly added into his drink, he had hallucinations and then jumped from the window of a building and died. This drug is a central nervous blocker.