------Program code: NS-080725-02141 (what's this?)

Source: CCTV.com

07-25-2008 10:22

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Many years ago, a Japanese film caused a sensation in China. It was a film called The Chase.

The film starts with a Japanese congressman’s suicide. After he took a drug called AX that someone secretly added into his drink, he had hallucinations and then jumped from the window of a building and died. This drug is a central nervous blocker.

Now, there are a lot of similar central nervous drugs that can make people lose consciousness. These drugs have caused various types of violence, suicide and crime.

Besides Crystal Meth and Ecstasy, another new type of drug is something called ketamine. Ketamine is a white crystalline powder, that is odorless and soluble in water. It is a type of hallucinogenic drug. In the early 1970s, it was used as an anesthetic. It has certain potential psychological dependence functions. If an average person takes a certain amount of it for a certain time, he or she will soon become addicted.

Ketamine can cause excitement and hallucinations. Abusers often take ketamine and ecstasy together.

After a person takes the drug and listens to loud music, he will have strong conditioned reflexes and want to dance. Ketamine can make the user feel like his consciousness is separated from his body and that his sensory organs are connected. Ketamine can cause hallucinations, memory loss, motor dysfunctions and potentially fatal respiratory disorders.

Ketamine can also cause its abusers to have extreme sexual impulses. Thus it is also called rape powder.

Ketamine is a type of hallucinogen. When ketamine enters the brain, it will have an impact on the receptors of glutamic acid neurotransmitters. This type of receptor plays an important role in the learning and memory process. The long-term abuse of ketamine will cause irreversible brain damage and seriously reduce one’s memory and learning ability. Ketamine abuse can lead to very serious consequences, ranging from unclear consciousness to the paralysis of the central nervous system and even death.