Confronting AIDS
AIDS has already taken a terrible human toll, not only among those who have died but among their families and communities. Short of an affordable cure, this toll is certain to rise. Ninety percent of HIV infections are in developing countries, where resources to confront the epidemic are most scarce. But the course of the epidemic is not carved in stone.
2008 marks the 20th anniversary of World AIDS Day. Together with its partners, the World AIDS Campaign set this year´s theme for World AIDS Day as "Lead - Empower - Deliver", building on last year´s theme of "Take the Lead".
The world can overcome HIV. Given the necessary information, means, and a supportive community, individuals can and do alter their behavior to reduce the risk that they will contract and spread HIV
Program Video
Episode 1
This is the AIDS ward at Kunming’s No. 3 People’s hospital. On an afternoon in June 2000, the hospital staff was busy working when suddenly.
An HIV patient started experiencing respiratory failure and needed help.
It was a serious situation. Dr Qi Yanwei, the doctor on duty, started to treat the patient when something happened.
Episode 2
During our interview, few female doctors were willing to be interviewed. They were worried that their friends and family would discover where they work.
Though HIV is spread through blood, sex and from mother to child; and the virus dies a few minutes after being exposed to air; even blood contact has to reach a certain amount to infect a person infected.