------Program code: NS-081201-06790 (what's this?)

Source: CCTV.com

12-01-2008 14:43

Watch Video: Part 2 >>

During our interview, few female doctors were willing to be interviewed. They were worried that their friends and family would discover where they work. Though HIV is spread through blood, sex and from mother to child; and the virus dies a few minutes after being exposed to air; even blood contact has to reach a certain amount to infect a person infected. But in reality, few people would sympathize with these patients or understand why the doctors choose to take care of them.

Being an HIV doctor means he is under more pressure than doctors in other fields. Also, if they come in contact with the virus, they then have to undergo a stressful waiting period. Previous to Qi, a young female doctor was exposed.

Qi shook as he remembered the pain of her losing her baby.

Now, Qi is still unsure if he is infected or not. Having to deal with the strong side effects of the drugs and increasing pressure, Qi’s beginning to have psychological problems.

In order to hide his pain from his family, Qi took the medicine in secret. But his behavior made his family suspicious.

To comfort his family, he pretended to be ok. Nevertheless, he is unable to eat anything because of the drugs and he is also haunted by a series of complications. Each day is hard for him. Qi tries his best to endure. He has already made up his mind to give up his job.

A new job will mean less worry for his family.

After a period of treatments, his reaction to the drugs get milder. He shifts his view on HIV treatment.

In retrospect, when he first worked in the AIDS ward, Qi thought patients were infected because of drugs and promiscuity. Instead of feeling sympathy, he treated them with indifference. But later on, after taking these drugs and facing the possibility of being infected, he changed.

Because AIDS is a misunderstood disease, many people, even families, look down upon the infected. During the post-onset of HIV, most patients are deserted by their families. At this time, Qi and his colleagues become their family.

In order to take care of the patients, Qi and his colleagues often risk their own safety. As a result, they worry their families. Qi feels guilty.

28 days pass. Qi made it through this tough waiting period. But he still has to wait for some time to know if he’s infected. If he isn’t infected, he may start a new life and his family can stop worrying. Qi begins to feel better as he no longer has to take the anti-virals. The 28 days’ have changed him. He has a deeper understanding of what an HIV infected person goes through.

The little girl’s situation pains Qi. The girl is the same age as his daughter, but if her mother doesn’t get the right treatment, She is going to become an orphan. However, it is not as difficult as it used to be to prolong her mother’s life.

By extending the woman’s life means the girl can enjoy more time with her mother.

42 days later, the results are back, Qi is not infected. He is happy as his family can relax. During this time, taking care of patients on the AIDS ward has become part of his daily routine.

