

Program Video

Episode 1

Episode 1

Old Lang is not a media mogul. He is not an entertainment agent. But he has created some Internet legends whereby formerly unknown individuals were turned into Internet celebrities. Tianxian MM from the mysterious Qiang village and the Extraordinary Real People group who drifted from elsewhere to Beijing changed their personal fates after encountering him. He is acknowledged as the Number One Internet Promoter today.

Episode 2

Episode 2

Brother Lang admitted that his accidental discovery of Tianxian MM made him think that there was still a virginal piece of turf on the Internet. "I thought that I can make it." After this, Brother Lang paid more attention to how the Internet can reflect the real aspects of daily life. The "Extraordinary Real People" set of photoplays were inspired when Brother Lang read bathroom graffiti.


Online Celebrities or Mainstream Celebrities: Who Should You Cast? Perhaps the most important benefit of a web site is the accessibility it provides to everyone who can contact the internet. Some people,Therefore,decide to mold stars on this way. However, a online star is also lost his shine soon, as well.


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