
03-26-2009 19:25

A 21-year-old young woman named Erma Yina has recently become Taoping Village's, and indeed the whole county's, local celebrity. Last August a visitor to Taoping took a photograph of this beautiful village girl. When he arrived home he posted it on his personal blog, calling it “Fairy Sister.” Since then, the blog, to his great surprise, has scored nearly 2 million hits.

Fairy Sister(File Photo)
Fairy Sister(File Photo)

Many netizens have gone to Taoping to see Erma Yina in the flesh, and her popularity has now expanded beyond cyberspace to enter the TV and print media. At the end of last year, conducted an online Fashion Role Model competition.

“Fairy Sister” won, with 44 percent of the vote, outstripping Olympic 100-meter hurdle race champion Liu Xiang and pop star Li Yuchun. Lixian County local officials are delighted at the ascendancy of this home-grown star, as it has helped to propel local tourism and bring fame to the county.

Fairy Sister(File Photo)
Fairy Sister(File Photo)