
04-02-2009 14:00

Special Report:   G20 Summit in London

The first face-to-face meeting between Chinese President Hu Jintao and his US counterpart Barack Obama has attracted worldwide attention. Experts in the US say the meeting signals a good beginning for bilateral ties between China and the new Obama administration.

Professor David Shambaugh, George Washington University 
Professor David Shambaugh, George Washington University 

Professor David Shambaugh is an expert on China policy from George Washington University. He says economics is now on the top agenda of China-US relations. He views the talks between the two leaders as positive and a good start.

Professor David Shambaugh, George Washington University said "The US-China agenda is a complicated agenda. I think economics is on the top of the agenda. Obama's acceptance of Hu's invitation to visit China later this year is a good sign. Obama's administration starts a very good beginning with China."

Shambaugh also recognizes China's important role in international affairs. He says development of China-US ties will not only benefit the two sides, but the whole world.