
04-02-2009 13:27

Special Report:   G20 Summit in London

President Hu Jintao has also met with British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, and French President Nicolas Sarkozy.

Hu Jintao told Nicolas Sarkozy he hopes the two sides will work together for a new phase in Sino-French ties.
Hu Jintao told Nicolas Sarkozy he hopes the two sides will 
work together for a new phase in Sino-French ties.

With Gordon Brown, Hu Jintao discussed development of Sino-British ties among other global and regional issues.

With Dimitry Medvedev, Hu Jintao promoted stronger cooperation to overcome the current difficulties.

Hu Jintao told Nicolas Sarkozy he hopes the two sides will work together for a new phase in Sino-French ties.

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Editor:Qin Yongjing