UN Executive Secretary says a new mechanism is needed within the framework of the United Nations, so that the current financial turmoil may be dealt with more effectively.
Ahead of the Asia-Europe Meeting, EU Commission president Jose Manuel Barroso is calling for more urgent global coordination to deal with the financial crisis.
"There should be more alternatives to the dominating forms of economic globalization, which further increases gaps between winners and losers."
"Despite the negative international environment and severe domestic natural disasters, the country´s fundamental economic conditions remain unchanged."
"China´s economy is likely to expand between 8 and 9 percent in 2009." "Continued fast growth in the world´s fourth-largest economy was China´s biggest contribution to fighting the global financial crisis."
"The primary role of the WTO at this moment is to serve as an insurance policy against protectionism; especially for developing countries, whose expansion relies very much on trade,"