
Chinese auto firm adopts American-born panda Tai Shan

A Chinese auto firm has adopted Tai Shan, a male panda that had just returned to China from Washington of the United States, its birthplace.

US-born pandas Taishan and Meilan arrive home

After a fifteen hour flight, Tai Shan and Mei Lan arrived Thursday in their ancestral home of Sichuan. Despite the long journey, the two pandas are in good condition. They will undergo a month of quarantine before going to their new home.

1st Snow in Life

When Tai Shan was 7 months old, the 1st time he experience snow.

2nd Birthday

July 9, 2007: Tai Shan approaches his popsicle birthday cake.

3rd Year in U.S.

July 9, 2008: Tai Shan, celebrates his third birthday with a special fruitcicle.