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US calls for effective response to DPRK launch


Source: | 04-07-2009 14:19

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DPRK officials have again hailed the successful launch of an experimental communications satellite into orbit.

The Unites States is calling for the international community to respond to the launch in a strong and coordinated way.

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton addresses the issue of North Korea in Washington, DC on April 7. (AFP/Tim Sloan)
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton addresses
the issue of North Korea in Washington, DC on
April 7. (AFP/Tim Sloan)

Speaking on state television, the Chief Director of the DPRK's National Planning Committee, says Pyongyang has shown the world its technology and courage.

Choi Bae Jin, Chief Director of the DPRK's National Planning Committee, said, "Once again, we showed the world our successful launch through Kwangmyongsong-2. We can not hide our joy and excitement over this achievement, and the news of Kim Jong IL visiting the launch site and watching the satellite launch."

US and South Korean officials claim that the entire rocket has ended up in the ocean after Sunday's launch. Pyongyang restated that the rocket was a satellite that successfully went into orbit.