Headline News


EU: DPRK must cease the threatening behavior


Source: | 04-06-2009 14:46

Following the EU-US summit in Prague in the Czech Republic on Sunday, the EU said the DPRK must cease its threatening behavior, and implement the six-party joint statement. The EU also says it will move forward with all steps agreed upon during the meeting with the US.

The EU said the DPRK must cease its threatening behavior, and implement the six-party joint statement.
The EU said the DPRK must cease its threatening behavior,
and implement the six-party joint statement.

Jose Manuel Barroso, EC President, said, "It is clear in our joint statement that North Korea cannot realize international acceptance or economic development linked to the international system until it ceases its threatening behavior and works with the other parties to implement the six party joint statement."


Editor:Liu Fang