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發佈時間:2011年06月21日 18:13 | 進入體育論壇 | 來源:環湖賽官網

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Slogans for the 10th Tour of Qinghai Lake  

環湖大賽聯姻甘青   兩省人民共謀發展
  Tour of Qinghai Lake connects people in Qinghai and Gansu together for a common goal of development

環湖大賽架起友誼之橋   青甘人民共譜和諧新曲
  Tour of Qinghai Lake builds up a bridge of friendship
  People of Qinghai and Gansu jointly compose a new melody of harmony.

車輪飛馳連友誼    攜手合作創雙贏
  Flying bicycle wheels for friendship
  Hand-in-hand cooperation for win-win results

青甘攜手 合作共贏
  Qinghai and Gansu work together for a win-win result

青甘兩省攜手合作    共創環湖十年輝煌
  Qinghai and Gansu jointly create new glory for the 10th Tour of Qinghai Lake

  Wish the 10th Tour of Qinghai Lake a complete success!

十年風雨歷程    鑄就輝煌成績
  A decade of cycling race has made many glorious achievements

十年環湖  十年發展
  A decade of Tour of Qinghai Lake
  A decade of economic and social development

十年環湖賽  十年同成長
  Ten-year growth of Tour of Qinghai Lake
  Ten-year development of social economy
齊心協力辦好環湖賽  昂首闊步建設新青海

  Holding a successful race, building a new Qinghai

綠色環湖  金色夢想

  Green race, golden dream

活力青海手拉手  人文環湖心連心

  Hand in hand for an emerging Qinghai, heart to heart for a people’s race

相約魅力新青海  拼搏激情環湖賽

  Meet in charming new Qinghai, compete in exciting cycling race

我為環湖賽添光彩  環湖賽因我更精彩

  Contribute to Tour of Qinghai Lake, present an even exciting event

手拉手當好東道主  心連心辦好環湖賽

  Hand in hand to be a good host, heart to heart to hold a successful race

心繫環湖賽  情牽新青海

  Best wishes for a successful race and new Qinghai

美麗的青海  和諧的旋律 奮進的樂章

  Beautiful Qinghai, harmonious rhythm & motivating movement

環湖賽綻放激情  新青海成就夢想

  A race of passion, a place of dreams

展新青海風采  鑄環湖賽輝煌

  Exhibit uniqueness of new Qinghai, build glory of magnificent race

挑戰運動極限  演繹大美青海

  Challenge extremes of sport in picturesque Qinghai


  Build a developed, civilized and harmonious new Qinghai

自信 開放 創新

  Being confident, open to the world, strive for innovation

爭創青海新優勢  打造青海新品牌 展示青海新形象

  Create new advantages, build new brands and show new image of Qinghai

美麗青海湖  精彩環湖賽

  Beautiful Qinghai Lake, Inspiring Cycling Race

綠色青海湖  人文環湖賽

  Green Qinghai Lake, people’s cycling race

心繫環湖賽  情滿三江源

  Love cycling race and protect the Source of Three Rivers

關注環湖賽  熱愛新青海

  Support cycling race Love new Qinghai

挑戰極限  面向未來

  Challenge the extreme & embrace the future


  Qinghai People Welcome You

綠色 人文 和諧

  Green, Civilization & Harmony

謀發展  促和諧  奔小康

  Exploring development, enhancing harmony and striving for moderately prosperous society

塑造開放形象  促進經濟發展

  Opening to the world & enhancing economic development

落實科學發展觀  展示青海新形象

  Implement the strategy of scientific development, showcase new image of Qinghai

發揮高原優勢 開發體育資源 打造競賽品牌 構建和諧社會

  Utilize advantages of Qinghai, develop sport resources, establish race brand and build harmonious society

讓世界了解青海 讓青海走向世界

  Let the world learn about Qinghai, let Qinghai embrace the world


  Wish the 10th Tour of Qinghai Lake a complete success!

開放文明新青海 魅力無限環湖賽

  Open & civilized new Qinghai, charming and wonderful cycle race

更高 更快 更強

  Higher, faster, stronger


  Tour of Qinghai Lake--Festival of Qinghai people

青海湖畔 江河源頭 展現自行車運動新魅力

  Discover new charms of cycle sports in Qinghai

環行青海湖 競技夢之顛

  Fulfill dreams of sports competition around Qinghai Lake

熱情參與  無私奉獻

  Participate with enthusiasm, contribute without reserve

我參與  我奉獻  我快樂

  I participate, I contribute, I enjoy

賽團結  賽意志  賽風格  賽水平

  A competition of unity, determination, manner and ability

挑戰自我  突破極限

  Challenge oneself, exceed extremes

揮動激情  放飛夢想

  Embracing passion, pursuing dreams

同一個世界  同一個夢想

  One World, One Dream

抓住新機遇  迎接新挑戰  攀登新高峰

  Taking new opportunities, embracing new challenge, striving for new height