Toyota seeks to improve image

2010-03-30 18:25 BJT

Special Report: Toyota Worldwide Recall |


Toyota has promised to respond faster to customer complaints in the future. A company committee on product quality has been formed to find a way to salvage the corporation's reputation, which has been hit by massive recalls. Toyota's president, Akio Toyoda, says the company needs to listen carefully to proposals for higher quality.

Akio Toyoda, President of Toyota Motor Corporation, said, "We agreed to build a framework to ensure that regional input receives full consideration. The chief quality officers will hear directly from customers, and will then participate in decision-making at our global headquarters. We are counting on the new framework to optimize our operations both regionally and globally. "

The quality committee will issue its first report in June and meet regularly to exchange information and tackle safety issues. In addition, four facilities are to be set up to train employees in quality control. Toyota has recalled more than 8 million vehicles around the world since October. It is promising to compensate Chinese car owners over the latest recalls, the first time this has happened in China.

Editor: Zheng Limin | Source: