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Report issued on 30th anniversary of UN Declaration on the Right to Development

Reporter: Gary Anglebrandt 丨 CCTV.com

12-01-2016 14:31 BJT

The United Nations adopted the Declaration on the Right to Development 30 years ago. UN members define development as a comprehensive economic, social, cultural and political process. The aim is to improve the entire population's well-being.

Experts say this latest white paper shows how China has improved its people's quality of life. And it also bolsters countries' discretion over their own development.

The UN said in the 1986 declaration that the right to development is an inalienable human right. People all around the world should have equal access to the opportunities of development and share the achievements. Experts believe China's white paper on the right to development echoes the UN declaration and it's even more diverse.

"The white paper is diverse in contents. It deals with the concept of the right to development and institutional guarantees, as well as development in the economy, politics, society, culture and eco-system. It also touches un international joint development," said Chen Xulong, China Institute of Int'l Studies.

In the report, China reiterates its stance and resolution to push ahead the right to development. It also elaborates on the measures taken to realize the right.

"For instance, China has launched a massive campaign to reduce poverty and realize the right to development for the poor. China also has established a comprehensive social insurance system and that includes a pension system, healthcare and the unemployment insurance system," said Chang Jian, deputy director of Human Rights Institution of Nankai University.

"Also, China is striving to close the income gap. The government tries to increase people's incomes in pace with our social and economic development. All these aim to let our people share in the achievements of development."

Experts also believe the results shown in the report mark a milestone in the protection of human rights.

"The right to development is a crucial component of human rights. China stresses this right, which can serve as a direction indicator of human rights promotion and protection," said Chen Xulong.

"It can also rectify western countries' inclination to unduly politicalize the issue of human rights. It's a milestone for China as well as the whole world's cause of human rights promotion."

Experts say China's progress, as shown in its report, is perhaps the best way to commemorate the UN's declaration.

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