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Major objectives on climate change


11-05-2016 03:43 BJT

To fulfill its commitment to the Paris climate-change pact, China has set four major objectives as priorities for action. China aims to cut its carbon emissions by 60-65 percent per unit of GDP by 2030 from the 2005 level. China will boost its use of non-fossil fuel sources so that they account for 20 percent in primary energy consumption by 2030.

The country is determined to peak its carbon emissions as rapidly as possible, by achieving the goal around 2030. Also by 2030, the national forest stock volume is expected to increase by over 4 billion cubic meters compared with that in 2005. 

These targets were reflected in China's intended national determined contribution (INDCs) , as well as in the country's 13th Five-Year Plan. To speed up and scale up the efforts, the country is acting on climate change through stronger action at all levels of government, financial plans and law enforcement. China signed the Paris Agreement at the UN Headquarters in New York on April 22, Earth Day.

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