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Palestine's Fatah official expresses support for China


07-10-2016 15:18 BJT

Full coverage: The South China Sea Issue

Abbas Zaki, a central committee member of Fatah -- formally known as the Palestinian National Liberation Movement -- has also expressed support for China's stance on the South China Sea issue.

Abbas Zaki has been in charge of affairs between Fatah and China since 2009.

He has paid close attention to the South China Sea issue. He said China's sovereignty over islands in South China Sea is indisputable and inviolable.

"The situation has changed since the discovery of petroleum and gas in the South China Sea in the 1970s. But whatsoever those changes are, they will not overturn the fact that China has sovereignty over the islands in the South China Sea. Fatah supports China's sovereignty over these islands, and this position is in line with the Doha Declaration passed at the seventh ministerial meeting of the China-Arab Cooperation Forum," he said.

Zaki pointed out that the Philippines’ unilateral action of filing an international arbitration on the issue is unreasonable.

"The international arbitration will not be able to resolve the South China Sea issue, because the Philippines has been pushing hard for the compulsory arbitration, in an attempt to deny China's sovereignty in the South China Sea. This is unacceptable to Fatah," Zaki said.

Zaki also said Fatah strongly opposes external countries interfering in the issue. He said this will only bring conflict and escalate regional tensions.

"We highly value China's stance to handle the South China Sea issue on the basis of negotiation and the "Peaceful Co-existence Principle." The attempt of external powers to push for militarization in the South China Sea will not succeed. Particularly, the US authority is trying in vain to bring conflicts and violences from the Middle East to Asia-Pacific region," he said.

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