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95th Anniversary of the CPC: Serving the People ep.4


07-09-2016 14:44 BJT

Full coverage: 95 years of glory

The great changes China has experienced over the past three decades led the country to become the world's second largest economy. None of the progress can be achieved without the right choice made by the Communist Party of China.

In the fourth episode of our special series "95th Anniversary of the CPC: Serving the People," we tell you more about why the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics is the right choice.

"I’ve been coming into China now for 30 years, and if you have that sort of context if you saw where China was 30 years ago, socially, economically and politically, the changes that have been made over those 30 years have been phenomenal, I think have been amazing. The development in every one of those areas has been world-class and world-beating. I think in terms of where China was when I first came in 30 years ago to where it is today, no other country in the world could have made the progress that China has, with the direction, with the purpose, with the ability, with the consistency," said Mark E. Tucker, Group Chief Executive and President, AIA Group Limited.

"Often China’s been one of the most advanced civilizations in the world. So I think that, you know, it’s China’s time has come. Well, I mean it’s been, the CPC’s been absolutely crucial, because the Chinese Communist Party has presided over this transformation, was the inventor of this transformation. Let’s just put it in historical term, this is the most remarkable transformation in modern history, and I would say probably in old history over time at any point," said Martin Jacques, Senior Fellow, Department of Politics and International Studies; Well-known Author, Cambridge University.

"The second generation of leadership with Deng Xiaoping at the core put forward for the first time the policy of reform and opening up, which contributes greatly to making China the world's second economic power and to the rise of China. So I think it is one of the biggest achievements. To sum up, the fact that China now has become the world’s second largest economy has proved the rightness to take the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics," said Lee Jung-nam, Professor, Director of Center for Chinese Studies,Korea University.

"Of course the CPC, the Communist Party is the leading party, the ruling party. The role played by CPC is crucial. It decides the road, particularly after the decision of the Communist Party to modernize the country and to realize deep and courageous reform of the economy and of the society. The Communist Party is the guide, the ruling party of China. What happened in China is first of all the result of the decisions of the action of the Communist Party. At the same time, I want to stress and underline that without the commitment of Chinese people, it would have been impossible to achieve what China has achieved in a very short period," said Massimo D'Alema, Former Italian Prime Minister.

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