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Foreign politicians support China's stance on South China Sea issue


07-04-2016 19:28 BJT

Full coverage: The South China Sea Issue

everal political parties from foreign countries have voiced their support for China to seek dialogue over the South China Sea issue. They called on the concerned parties to negotiate with each other, while urging outsiders not to interfere.

" We believe the arbitral tribunal has no jurisdiction over the South China Sea issue. The Philippines unilaterally filed a compulsory arbitration against China. It is probably to pave the way for more international powers to intervene. We think this is the wrong way,"  said Dogu Perincek, chairman of Turkey's Patriotic Party.

"The unilateral action of the Philippines – taking the arbitration to court - was accepted, but this does not mean that the Philippines will succeed. The Funcinpec [FUHN-shin-pek] praises China’s actions based on the principle of safeguarding peace. We also urge relevant countries to negotiate with China," said Norodom Ranariddh, President of Cambodia's Funcinpec Party.

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