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Liu Yandong hopes FIFA can assist China's football reform


07-02-2016 16:36 BJT

China's Vice Premier Liu Yandong, is in the Euro 2016 host country, and had the opportunity to meet with the head of FIFA Gianni Infantino. The Chinese official discussed China's football reform in Paris, with the president of the sport's governing body.

Liu said football is largely popular among the Chinese people for its unique charm and charisma. The Chinese government attaches great importance to the role that football plays in its transformation into a sports power.

According to Liu, China's football has developed in recent years, but there is still a rather large gap between its overall level and football power.


China's Vice Premier Liu Yandong, is in the Euro 2016 host country, and had the opportunity to meet with the head of FIFA Gianni Infantino.

Liu said China is pursuing reforms of its football industry, deepening the reform of system and mechanism, stimulating vitality and dynamics for the development of football, expanding the school football system, and developing its football industry.

The Chinese Football Association (CFA) will actively support FIFA, and is willing to contribute to the global development of football. She also hopes FIFA will provide assistance and guidance to China in its football reform.

For Infantino, football is not only a sport, but also a symbol of society, and it has special influences on a country, a society and even the whole world.

He hopes China supports the reform of FIFA, Infantino said FIFA is willing to strengthen communication and expand the cooperation with the CFA in order to help and support the development and reform of China's football industry.

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