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Long March 7 rocket moved to final launch site

Reporter: Wu Lei 丨 CCTV.com

06-22-2016 20:26 BJT

Full coverage: Successful Launch of Long March-7 Rocket

Chinese military have moved a Long March 7 rocket -- one of China's latest generation rockets -- to a launch pad at Wenchang Satellite launch center in south China's Hainan province. Crew are expected to make the final countdown to launch within the next few days.

Chinese military have moved a Long March 7 rocket -- one of China

Chinese military have moved a Long March 7 rocket -- one of China's latest generation rockets -- to a launch pad at Wenchang Satellite launch center in south China's Hainan province.

Moving to the final phase of its preparation, the Long March 7 carrier rocket is now in the process of vertical transportation. Since the rocket arrived here in the middle of May, staff members have been assembling parts and conducting tests.

"In the next few days, we will continue the final check on the whole system to guarantee each channel runs well. During the launching process, we will also monitor all the environmental data to provide a reference for future rockets," said Zhang Zhengping, expert of China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology.

Wenchang Satellite Launch Center is the newest and the only coastal launch center in China. After finishing construction in 2014, the Long march 7 carrier rocket launch will be its first mission.

The Long March 7 rocket and its payload is now on this mobile launch platform, where it will be moved from the assembly building to the launch pad. They are 2,800 meters away from each other and may not seem far apart. But moving a multi-ton rocket is never an easy task.

The entire moving process took about three hours. When the launch vehicle arrives at the launch pad, rotating platforms on the two sides of the tower are swung around it to allow for fuelling and final checks...

"Today's vertical transportation went very well. In the next few days we will enter the final fuelling and launching process according to the weather conditions," said Zhang Zhenzhong, commander of Long March 7 mission launch area.

The rocket uses liquid propellant, which makes it more environmentally friendly than previous modules. The Long March-7 is expected to be launched at an appropriate time between June 25th and June 29th. It will transport cargo for China's planned space station, and is expected to become the main carrier for future space launches.

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