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More nations support China's stance on S. China Sea issue


06-07-2016 05:42 BJT

Full coverage: South China Sea Is Indisputable Part of China

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BEIJING, June 6 (Xinhua) -- More and more countries have shown their understanding of and support for China's position on the South China Sea issue, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson said on Monday.

"They support China's approach of resolving South China Sea disputes and maintaining peace and stability in the South China Sea through talks and negotiations with relevant countries in line with bilateral agreements and regional consensus," said spokesman Hong Lei.

The standpoint of Tanzania, Uganda, Eritrea, Comoros and the African Union (AU) Commission deputy chairperson is fair, just and in accordance with the basic facts of the South China Sea issue, Hong said.

"The sovereign countries directly concerned should give consultations and negotiations a chance, in accordance with international law, to maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea," AU Commission Deputy Chairperson Erastus Mwencha said in Addis Ababa.

"China urges relevant countries to return to talks and negotiations as the correct way to solve the South China Sea issue," said Hong.

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