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Chinese FM calls for cooperation in peaceful solution on Syria


05-13-2016 12:50 BJT

On the sidelines of the forum, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi addressed the Syria crisis when meeting the press. He spoke about China's expectations for the foreign ministers' meeting over Syria next week in Vienna. He once again stressed the need for a political solution. 

"First of all, UN Security Council Resolution Number 2254 should be fully implemented. Political settlement is the only way to solve the crisis in Syria. Second, China hopes that the US, Russia, Security Council members and other regional countries can pay a bigger role in pushing the political process in Syria, to push a real and comprehensive ceasefire. Third, China hopes regional countries can take their responsibilities and support political settlement. Last, Syria's future should be decided by the Syrian people. China hopes the Syrian government and opposition can take into true consideration the fundamental national interests and interests of the people, and start direct negotiations as soon as possible," Wang said.

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