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Obama says EU and US must move forward with TTIP


04-25-2016 06:16 BJT

US President Barack Obama says the European Union and United States must move forward with a free trade accord still under negotiation. Supporters of the deal say it could boost the economies of each by some 100 billion US dollars.

U.S. President Barack Obama speaks during a press conference with German Chancellor Angela Merkel after bilateral talks at Herrenhausen Palace in Hannover, northern Germany, Sunday, April 24, 2016. Obama is on a two-day official visit to Germany.

U.S. President Barack Obama speaks during a press conference with German Chancellor Angela Merkel after bilateral talks at Herrenhausen Palace in Hannover, northern Germany, Sunday, April 24, 2016. Obama is on a two-day official visit to Germany.

"In that regard Angela and I agree that the United States and the European Union need to keep moving forward with the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership negotiations which we will discuss more this evening. In our bilateral meeting we discussed the importance of boosting economic growth in the Eurozone, which is critical to the global economy including the US economy. Strong growth in Europe is particularly important given the array of pressing challenges whether it is security or defence, migration or refugees," Obama said.

At a joint news conference with German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Hannover, Obama also said the US and Germany are committed to using all "the tools at their disposal to prevent terrorists from plotting attacks." He added that Merkel is on the right side of history on the refugee crisis. Regarding Syria, President Obama expressed deep concern about reports of renewed fighting and called for "a political solution that moves Syria towards an inclusive government." He also pledged US and European support for the new United Nations-brokered Libyan government.

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