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Studio interview: Aerospace technology benefits people's daily lives


04-25-2016 05:44 BJT

Full coverage: China Astronautics Day

Now for more on this, we are joined in studio by Professor Yang Yuguang, from the China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation. Welcome.

Q1: Every time the word aerospace is mentioned, people tend to think of an array of hi-tech projects far removed from their lives. So besides from 3d typing and laser radar, can you tell us more about how aerospace technology can benefit people's day-to-day existence?

Q2: Since the first satellite was successfully launched sixty years ago, China has made lots of achievements in space exploration. So Professor Yang, what's your view on China's aerospace development, and what are its main objectives in the future?

Q3: There are still many unknowns when it comes to our universe. Can space exploration help confirm any current scientific hypotheses?


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