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MOFA: Common practice to use military plane on Nansha Islands for humanitarian aid


04-20-2016 10:12 BJT

The Chinese Foreign Ministry has defended its decision of sending a military aircraft to the Nansha Islands for evacuation purposes.

A Chinese military plane landed on Yongshu Reef on Sunday, in order to air lift three seriously ill workers to hospital. A ministry spokesperson said dispatching military aircraft to provide humanitarian aid is common international practice. She added that China has indisputable right over the Nansha Islands and its near waters.

The relating construction and deployment of defense facilities is within China's sovereignty.

"It is a military duty and people's expectations that China's military aircraft and soldiers appear wherever they are needed in time on Chinese territory. Following the logic of the spokesperson of the US Defense Department, since the US military has claimed that they will maintain the freedom of navigation in the south China sea, why does America use military warships instead of civilian ships and planes to declare the freedom? We urge the US to abide by promises, match words with deeds,  and to maintain peace and stability in the south China sea through action," said Hua Chunying, spokesman of Chinese Foreign Ministry.

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