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Iran complains to UN about U.S. "nuclear blackmail"

2010-04-15 07:20 BJT

UNITED NATIONS, April 14 (Xinhua) -- Iran has formally complained to the United Nations that the new American nuclear policy is "nuclear blackmail" and should be considered a violation of international law, according to a letter dated April 13.

"Such inflammatory statements which are tantamount to nuclear blackmail against a non-nuclear-weapon state signatory to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) constitute a serious violation of the United States obligations and commitment, under international law," said Iranian Ambassador to the UN Mohammad Khazaee in the letter, which was released to the UN press corps on Wednesday.

"The United States policy on first use of nuclear weapons is a real threat to international peace and security and undermines the credibility of the NPT," the ambassador said.

The Nuclear Posture Review indicates that the United States will not employ nuclear weapons against non-nuclear nations that are NPT signatories in good standing.

The United States and other nations contend that Iran has violated the treaty's terms by pursuing atomic weapons, an accusation Iran denies. The review also singles out the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

"The United Nations should not condone or tolerate such nuclear blackmail in 21st century, and should take resolute action to ensure the total elimination of all nuclear weapons as the only absolute guarantee against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons," the letter said.

"In this regard, the United Nations and its relevant organs have a fundamental responsibility to strongly oppose the threat of use of nuclear weapons and to reject it," it added.

The letter was addressed to UN Security Council president -- the rotating position is held by Japanese Ambassador Yukio Takasu for April, UN Secretary-general Ban Ki-moon, and President of the General Assembly (GA) Ali Abdussalam Treki.

On Monday, Khazaee called the U.S. nuclear strategy "state terrorism," and urged the international community at a GA committee to denounce the "policy of nuclear blackmail and terror which runs counter to international law and the Charter of the United Nations."


Editor: Zhang Pengfei | Source: Xinhua