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38 robots sail to Shanghai Expo

2010-03-23 14:44 BJT

Special Report: Shanghai World Expo 2010 |

Thirty-eight robots made by a Beijing countryman Wu Yulu will show up in the 2010 Shanghai World Expo this May. The inventor Wu, a farmer in Tongzhou district with only a primary education background, fiddled with the machines for two to three decades, making 38 robots with different functions including some that can walk, climb and pull.

Wu is in the final stages perfecting the robots to attend Shanghai 2010 World Expo in May.

Wu Yulu checks his Expo robots in his workshop in Mawu county, Tongzhou district, Beijing, March 23, 2010. [Photo/CFP]
Wu Yulu checks his Expo robots in his workshop in Mawu county, Tongzhou 
district, Beijing, March 23, 2010. [Photo/CFP]