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A tour of DPRK, an unforgettable experience

2010-03-17 08:23 BJT

DPRK, or the North Korea, is one of China's neighbors. But for Chinese people, it is a nation mixed the feelings of familiarity and strangeness. The people of the two countries are bound together because of the militant bonds of a friendship that has lasted generations. However, at the same time, it is like a stranger to us, because we know so little about it.

DPRK, or the North Korea, is one of China's neighbors. 
When in North Korea, foreign visitors will often be asked to pay homage to the Great
Leader President Kim Il Sung. This will usually be done at the Kumsusan Memorial

Well the time to get to know North Korea is coming!

DPRK is will accept Chinese tourists starting April 12 of this year, and the planes could directly fly from Beijing to Pyongyang. Faced with this mysterious nation, what you need to do is just feel the country with your eyes and hearts. But remember, first and foremost, you must obey the country's rules.

The most mysterious nation

Although there is only a river between DPRK and China, a limited number of overseas tourists could visit it every year, and it is said the number is only less than 30,000. So, it is still a nation full of mysteries.

Pyongyang Art Troupe of DPRK
Pyongyang Art Troupe of DPRK (File photo)

A country values overseas visitors most

DPRK values its visitors very much, and the receiving standards are very high. They will arrange for you to live in the finest hotels and have dinner in special restaurants for foreign guests. Of course, they are all the best in local.