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Rebiya Kadeer not entitled to represent Uygurs: Kazakh social activist

2009-08-20 15:16 BJT

Special Report: 7.5 Xinjiang Urumqi Riots |

ALMATY, Aug. 20 (Xinhua) -- Rebiya Kadeer and her World Uygur Congress disrupted the Uygurs' peaceful and quiet life and are not entitled to represent the interests of all Uygurs, a Uygur social activitist in Kazakhstan said on Wednesday.

"Kadeer is an inciter. She and the World Uygur Congress (WUC) led by her could by no means represent the interests of all the Uygurs," said Farkhad Gasanov, president of the Kazakh Uygur culture association and member of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan, a group aimed at boosting ethnic relations in the country.

Kadeer and the WUC had been engaged in separatist activities for a long time, said Gasanov, who is actively engaged in protecting and retaining the Uygur cultural heritage, and promoting ethnic harmony.

Far away in the United States, they kept instigating fellow Uygurs with separatist activities, and this had jeopardized the peaceful and tranquil lives of all the Uygurs across the world, hesaid.

Nearly 200 innocent people were killed in the bloody riot in Urumqi, capital of China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, on July 5. There was ample evidence that Rebiya and the WUC were behind the violence.

Recalling of the long time backwardness of Xinjiang in the past, Gasanov said dramatic changes had taken place there under the leadership of the Chinese government.

"I've met many Uygurs in Xinjiang and other parts of China, and they are all satisfied with the Chinese policies there," Gasanov said.

Gasanov has contributed a lot to intensifying cultural and educational exchanges between Uygur groups in Kazakhstan and China's Xinjiang.

Editor: Liu Anqi | Source: Xinhua