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[1] Sinclair, J.(1996). “Culture and Trade: Some Theoretical and Practical Consideration”. In Mass Media and Free Trade: NAFTA and the Cultural Industries, ed. McAnany, E. and Wilkinson, K. Austin: University of Texas Press. P. 49

[2] Ferguson, M.(1993). “Globalization of Cultural Industries: Myths and Realities”. In Cultural Industries: National Policies and Global Markets, ed. Breen, M. Melbourne: Centre for International Research on Communication and Information Technologies. P. 7

[3] 胡正榮(2003):“後WTO時代我國媒介産業重組及其資本化結果--對我國媒介發展的政治經濟學分析”。見《新聞大學》,上海:復旦大學。2003年秋季號

[4] Schement, J. Gonzalez, I. Lum, P. and Valencia, R.(1984). “The International Flow of Television Programs”. Communication Research 11 (2): 163-182

[5] Straubhaar, J. Campbell, C. Youn, S. Champaigne, L. Shrikhande, S. Elasmar, M.(1992). “Regional TV Markets and TV Program Flows”. Paper presented at International Association for Mass Communication Research 18th Conference, Sao Paulo.

[6] Garnham, Nicholas.(1990). Capitalism and Communication. London: Sage. P. 40, 162-3.

[7] 有關公共品、外部性以及外部經濟與外部不經濟等概念,見保羅•薩繆爾森, 威廉•諾德豪斯著,蕭琛等譯 1999:《宏觀經濟學》(第16版)。北京:華夏出版社。

[8] Turow,Joseph.(1997). Media System in Society: Understanding Industries, Strategies, and Power. Second Edition. New York: Longman Publishers. P. 236-7.

[9] 文化折扣是加拿大學者Colin Hoskins, Adam Finn, Stuart McFadyen提出的概念,即一個文化産品,如進口的電影、電視劇的價值等於(國內同等價值—進口價值)/ 國內等同價值。通常情況下,電視節目、電影與錄象帶都面臨這種來自價值觀、信念、社會制度、行為方式、生活方式、語言等帶來的産品價值的降低,即文化折扣。文化折扣隨著內容類型的不同而有所不同,這就是為什麼媒介産品,特別是視聽産品貿易主要集中在某些類別産品上的原因。如動作劇。而情景喜劇就不好出口。因此,有時是出口節目類型,而不是出口節目本身。文化折扣影響到受眾的接受、産品市場效益的實現等。美國市場對外來影視産品有很高的文化折扣。

[10] Hoskins, C., McFadyen, S., and Finn, A.(1997). Global Television and Film: An Introduction to the Economics of the Business. Oxford: Clarendon Press; New York: Oxford University Press. P. 38-50

  Hoskins, C., Finn, A., and McFadyen, S. (1996). “Television and Film in a Freer International Trade Environment: U.S. Dominance and Canadian Responses”. In Mass Media and Free Trade: NAFTA and the Cultural Industries, ed. McAnany, E. and Wilkinson, K. Austin: University of Texas Press. P. 71-5

  Doyle, Gillian. (2002). Understanding media economics. London : Sage

[11] Alexander, Alison. Owers, James and Carveth, Rodney (ed.) (1998). Media Economics: Theory and Practice. 2nd ed. Mahwah, N.J.: L. Erlbaum Associates.

[12] Doyle, Gillian. (2002). Understanding media economics. London : Sage

[13] 同注11。

[14] Hoskins, C., McFadyen, S., and Finn, A.(1997). Global Television and Film: An Introduction to the Economics of the Business. Oxford: Clarendon Press; New York: Oxford University Press. P. 51

[15] 同注11。

[16] Croteau, D., Hoynes, William.(2001). The Business of Media: Corporate Media and the Public Interests. Thousand Oaks, California: Pine Forge Press. P. 113-36

[17] 同注11。

[18] Lipsey, R. and Chrystal, A., (1995). Positive Economics, 8th ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press. P. 880.

[19] 同注16。

[20] Dimmick, John W.(2003). Media Competition and Coexistence: The Theory of the Niche. L. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. P. 72-4

[21] 同注11。

[22] 同注14。P 113-130

[23] Porter, Michael E.(1985). Competitive advantage : creating and sustaining superior performance. New York : Free Press

[24] Alexander, Alison. Owers, James and Carveth, Rodney (ed.) (1998). Media Economics: Theory and Practice. 2nd ed. Mahwah, N.J.: L. Erlbaum Associates.

[25] Todreas, Timothy M. (1999). Value Creation and Branding in Television’s Digital Age. Westport, Connecticut: Quorum Books

[26] 同注11。

[27] 同注14。P. 1-65

[28] 同注23。

[29] Picard, R. G. (2002). The Economics and Financing of Media Companies. New York: Fordham University Press. P. 178

[30] 同注11;同注14。P. 135-7

[31] Damsell, Keith. (2003). “Broadcasters, Publishers Shift Focus”. In The Globe and Mail, Toronto, March 26, 2003, Page B12

[32] 同注28。P. 193-204

[33] Raboy, Marc (ed.).(2002). Global Media Policy in the New Millennium. Luton: University of Luton Press.

[34] Stigler, G. (1971). “The Theory of Economic Regulation”. In Bell Journal of Economic and Management Science. 2 (1): 3-21

[35] Demers, David P. (1999).

 Global Media: menace or messiah? Cresskill, N.J.: Hampton Press. P.48
[36] Davies, G. (1999). The Future Funding of the BBC. Report of the Independent Review Panel. London: Department of Culture, Media and Sport. P. 203

[37] 同注18。P. 406

[38] 同注11。

[39] 同注7。P. 85; 176-7

[40] 同注3。

[41] 保羅•薩繆爾森, 威廉•諾德豪斯著,蕭琛等譯 (1999):《宏觀經濟學》(第16版)。北京:華夏出版社。第16頁。

[42] Soros, George. (1998). The Crisis of Global Capitalism: Open Society Engendered. New York: Public Affairs. 該書中使用了“市場原教旨主義”概念,指人們,特別是決策者和普遍的社會意識認為市場萬能,對市場的作用失去理性地、無條件地崇拜。源於“宗教原教旨主義”一詞。這種思潮在西方發達國家有一定的影響,與之相關的還有“政治原教旨主義”,即簡單地判斷你是邪惡國家,我是善良國家等。

[43] 同注11。

[44] Baumol, William J. (2002). The Free-market Innovation Machine: Analyzing the Growth Miracle of Capitalism. Princeton : Princeton University Pres

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