央視首頁 > 江澤民出席APEC會議

10月23日 09:59

  APEC AsiaPacificEconomicCo-operation

  ABAC APEC Business Advisory Council APEC工商諮詢理事會

  ACDS APEC Communication and Database System APEC交流與數據庫系統

  APB-Net Asia-Pacific Business Network 亞太工商網

  APII Asia Pacific Information Infrastructure 亞太信息基礎設施

  ATC Agricultural Technical Cooperation Experts' Group 農業技術合作專家組

  ATL Accelerated Tariff Liberalization 加速關稅自由化

  BMC Budget and Management Committee 預算管理委員會

  BMN Business Management Network 工商管理網絡

  CAP Collective Action Plans 集體行動計劃

  CBN Capacity Building Network 能力建設網絡

  CTI Committee on Trade and Investment 貿易投資委員會

  DMEG Dispute Mediation Experts' Group 爭端調解專家組

  EC Economic Committee 經濟委員會

  ECOTECH Economic and Technical Cooperation經濟技術合作

  EDFOR Education Forum 教育論壇

  EDNET Education Network 教育網絡

  ESC Sub-Committee on ECOTECH 經濟技術合作分委會

  EVSL Early Voluntary Sectoral Liberalization 部門自願提前自由化

  EWG Energy Working Group能源工作組

  FEEEP Impact of Expanding Population and Economic Growth on Food, Energy and the Environment 人口和經濟持續增長對糧食、能源和環境的衝擊

  FWG Fisheries Working Group 漁業工作組

  GP Government Procurement 政府採購

  GPEG Government Procurement Experts' Group 政府採購專家組

  HRD Human Resources Development 人力資源開發

  HRDWG Human Resources Development Working Group 人力資源開發工作組

  HURDIT HRD Network for Industrial Technology 工業技術人力資源開發網

  IAP Individual Action Plan 單邊行動計劃

  IEG Investment Experts' Group 投資專家組

  IST Industrial Science and Technology 産業科學技術

  ISTWG Industrial Science and Technology Working Group 産業科技工作組

  LMI Labour Market Information 勞動市場信息

  LSP Labour and Social Protection 勞動和社會保障

  MAG Market Access Group 市場準入小組

  MRA Mutual Recognition Arrangement 相互承認安排

  MRC Marine Resource Conservation 海洋資源保護

  NEDM Network on Economic Development Management 經濟開發管理網絡

  NTM Non-tariff Measures 非關稅措施

  OAA Osaka Action Agenda 大阪行動議程

  ROO Rules of Origin 原産地規則

  RISE Regional Integration for Sustainable Economies 可持續發展經濟區域性一體化

  SCCP Sub-committee on Customs Procedures 海關程序分委會

  SCSC Sub-committee on Standards and Conformance 標準一致化分委會

  SMEs Small and Medium Enterprises 中小企業

  SOM Senior Officials' Meeting 高官會

  TEL Telecommunications Working Group 電信工作組

  TILF Trade and Investment Liberalization and Facilitation 貿易投資自由化和便利化

  TPWG Trade Promotion Working Group 貿易促進工作組

  TPT-WG Transportation Working Group 運輸工作組

  TRIPS Agreement on Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Property 與貿易有關的知識産權協定

  TWG Tourism Working Group 旅遊工作組

  WG Working Group 工作組

  WGTP Working Group on Trade Promotion 貿易促進工作組

責編:高楠   來源:央視國際網絡
