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央視國際 www.cctv.com  2005年06月30日 14:34 來源:CCTV.com


  This is Ren Ran , an interrogations officer at the Beijing Haidian District Interrogation Team. In today’s program, she’s going to tell us about her work, her life, her dreams and her personal experience studying English.


  My name is Ren Ran, and Beijing is my hometown. I come from the Investigation Division of the Haidian sub-bureau of the Beijing municipal public security bureau. 3 years ago I graduated from the Chinese People’s Public Security University. My major was public order. Now my work is interrogating suspects and gathering evidence to bring the truth to light.

  中國人民公安大學並不是任冉的第一志願,任冉的父母也因為任冉是個女孩子而不是十分贊同。但是,通過在大學四年的學習生活,又在工作崗位上經過3年的磨練之後,任冉越來越喜歡這個職業。為自己能成為人民警察的一員而感到自豪與驕傲。Chinese People’s Public Security University was not Ren Ran’s first choice. In addition, her parents did not consider it a wise decision to study in this university since Ren Ran is a girl. However, after 4 years of study at the university and 3 years of working experience, Ren Ran has begun to love this job very much. And she is also quite proud of being a member of the police.


  I like music very much, and I think this is partly based on my interest in English. When I was a child, every time a cartoon came on, I liked listening to the theme song of the program. At that time, I just imitated the sound of the language. But I didn’t know the meaning of the words. Children have good memories, so I could sing the whole song word-for-word. When I entered primary school, my teacher chose me to take part in the student English club. In the group we acted like little ducks、little mushrooms and so on, and sang English songs to tell a short story. All the activities were very interesting and fun, I liked it very much! From then on, I had a strong interest in English.

  我有許多學習英語的方法,我經常收聽廣播電臺,“hit fm”是我非常喜歡的調頻,我有時還會用英語寫信寫日記,我想這對學習英語也會有幫助。 I have many ways to study English. I usually listen to the radio, and “Hit FM” is my favorite station. In addition, I keep a diary and write letters sometimes, which also helps to improve my English.

  對於大多數人而言,他們會想警察的世界只有黑白兩種顏色,只有對與錯,只有合法與非法。對,大多時候在我們工作中是這樣的,我們必須維護正義,面對罪犯我們必須冷酷。但生活中卻是多姿多彩的,充滿了感情。我們也有自己的喜怒哀樂。像我,就是個多愁善感的人。Most people think a policeman’s life has only two colors, black and white, just like right or wrong, legal or illegal. Yes, most of the time in our work, we have to uphold justice; we have to be cold to the criminal. But our life is full of color, full of feeling. We have our own happiness, satisfaction, anger and even sadness. Take me for example. Actually I am quite a sensitive girl.

  任冉喜歡唱歌,看電影,運動還有逛商場。當她感到高興或悲傷,她總會來到鋼琴前,讓她的情感從指尖流露。那時,任冉就像只小鳥,自由地歌唱,飛舞在自己多姿的水彩畫世界裏。Ren Ran likes singing, watching movies, doing sports and also shopping. When she feels happy or sad, she will at the piano and let her emotions flow from her fingers. Sitting before the piano, Ren Ran is like a bird, singing and flying happily in the colorful world.


  Everyone has a dream, and so do I. Besides being an outstanding policewoman, the kind of life I most fancy is being a wanderer. Whenever or wherever, I always look for the happiness that belongs to me. Maybe the food is not delicious, maybe the bed is not soft enough, maybe the clothing is not beautiful, but as long as it can give me a feeling of freedom. I find it fantastic, and I am certainly satisfied. For me, life is like a colorful painting.


  We wish Ren Ran happiness every day.



