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央視國際 (2005年05月27日 20:43)


  “看大片 學英語”

  本期電影 《飛天法寶》 Flubber




  富有彈性 elastic

  有 韌 性 ductile


  No. 1

  A: Hi, won’t you come in?

  B: Yes, thanks. Uh…It’s just you and me?

  A: Yes, just the two of us. Won’t you sit down?

  B: Thank you. What about you?

  A: I got you a present for your birthday.

  B: Oh, wow, thanks you!

  You’re always so nice to me…uh, ever since I met you!

  A: It's nothing.

  Why don’t you open it?

  B: Yes, right, of course!

  Oh, it’s a shirt!

  It’s so nice to get your gift.

  No. 2

  A: Well, here’s the restaurant.

  I think it's my turn to treat you this time.

  B: It's so nice of you!

  I don’t usually eat at such a restaurant.

  A: Oh, don’t you? Well, then, I hope you enjoy it.

  B: Oh, I don’t understand this menu. I’ll let you order for me.

  A: I bet you like spicy food, right?

  B: You bet right.

  電影介紹:《飛天法寶》 Flubber


  Prof. Brainard is a university chemistry professor. He has repeatedly missed several scheduled wedding ceremonies with his fianc岢e Sara because he was so immersed in his research.


  Today yet another wedding ceremony is supposed to take place.


  Phillip is all ready to go to the wedding. But what does he discover?


  The experiment fails!!


  The poor bride is abandoned again at the church!


  But this failed experiment brings the professor a surprising result.


  The professor never expected anything like this!

  在博士得到意外收穫的同時,他又一次錯過了自己的婚禮,他會得到Sara 的原諒嗎?

  The experiment yields an amazing result. But oh-oh! The professor has forgotten his wedding again! Will Sara forgive him?


  The professor wants to show Sara his wonderful new discovery, and to explain to her that this stuff called “Flubber” can save the college from being shut down. However, the professor’s demonstration fails, and Sara is not convinced.


  Phillip is a very strict chemistry professor. And it seems this goof-off was kicked off the basketball team because of his failing grades in Prof. Brainard’s chemistry class. The boy’s father, an investor in the university, sends a couple of bumbling assistants to pay a visit to our dear professor.


  At this moment, the professor is developing new applications for Flubber.


  These two bad guys become victims of the professor’s experiments.


  Here’s the professor’s latest invention using Flubber. He’s put it inside the car’s engine. What kinds of unexpected results will this bring?


  The professor has invented a flying car!!

  為了重新追回自己的未婚妻,博士決定帶飛天法寶去參加籃球比賽,如何讓Sara 支持的球隊獲勝,Phillip博士又開始了新一輪的實驗。

  In order to win his Sara back, Phillip decides to make use of Flubber in the basketball game. In order to ensure victory for the home team, Phillip begins a new round of experiments.


  Phillip sticks little Flubber patches on the shoes of the basketball players. Let’s take a look at the amazing result.


  Sara’s team wins, but this sly investor has got his own ideas about Flubber. He wants to strike a deal with Phillip, but Phillip flatly rejects his proposal. And so he sends his bumbling assistants to steal the Flubber.

  飛天法寶被偷走後,博士很是憤怒,決定和Sara 一起將飛天法寶奪回來。

  After the Flubber is stolen, the professor is furious. He decides to definitely get the Flubber back with Sara’s help.


  Take a look at the bottom of Sara and the professor’s shoes.


  The professor comes up with a well thought-out scheme: First figure out how to get Flubber back into his hands, and then defeat the bad guys with the help of Flubber.


  Phillip’s invention saves the school! And now let’s take a look at this special wedding ceremony between Dr. Phillip and Sara.



  Oh, bless you. You have a cold.

  保重 萬歲

  It’s a little ticklish. 有癢癢肉 怕癢



  Because I get carsick.



  I’m all ears.



  Oh, dear.


責編:蘭華  來源:CCTV.com

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