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央視國際 (2005年05月22日 19:34)


  本期的互動區中 我們繼續帶你探尋語音中的奧秘。一名醫生,一大群動物,為你帶來超級笑料,本期的看大片學英語為你呈現 Dr. Dolittle 《怪醫杜立德》。精彩的實地大演練,讓配音來教你如何應用所學的句子。點擊本期關鍵詞:animal 動物




  Sign 標誌 foreign外國的 design設計 resign辭職 gnat 小昆蟲

  align 排隊 reign朝代 gnarled 多節的


  Designation 指控 signature簽名


  paradigm 範例


  paradigmatic 範例的

  語音變輕鬆 諮詢電話:010-51922126


  三、看大片學英語 《怪醫杜立德》Dr. Dolittle

  As a boy, John Dolittle had a gift: he could talk to the animals. But not everyone could appreciate this gift. So his father forced the boy to squelch his talent. From that day on, John Dolittle never spoke to animals again. And, just as his dad wanted, he grew up to be a regular guy and become a noted surgeon. Thirty years later, he has a happy family; a beautiful wife, two daughters.

  在John Dolittle還是個孩子的時候,他有一種天生的能力,那就是他可以和動物交談。但並不是所有人都欣賞他的這種天分。所以他的父親強迫他壓制這種能力。從那天開始,John Dolittle不再和動物説話了。正如他的父親所願,他長成了一個正常的人,並成為一名出色的外科大夫。三十年後 他有了一個幸福的家庭:漂亮的妻子和兩個女兒

  But one day, the gift comes back. One day after work, Dr. Dolittle swerves his car to avoid hitting a dog. He hits his head on the windshield, triggering his long-dormant gift for holding conversations with animals.

  突然有一天 那種的能力又回到他的身上。一天下班的路上 ,Dolittle 醫生為了躲避一條狗,他猛轉方向盤,使自己的頭撞到了上擋風玻璃上。隱藏已久的和動交談的能力被喚醒了

  Later on the street he notices the stray dog he hit with his car. In sympathy,he takes the dog to an animal doctor. He ends up adopting the dog and naming him Lucky.

  後來在街上 他看見了那只被他的車撞倒的流浪狗。出於同情,他帶這只狗去看了病。最終 他收養了這只狗 給它取名叫 Lucky

  One weekend night in the country, he takes a painful twig out of an owl’s wing. The owl tells some other animals suffering from various different ailments about the good doctor, and here Dr. Doolittle’s troubles begin.

  一個週末的晚上 在鄉村裏,他幫一隻痛苦的貓頭鷹拔出了一根紮在翅膀裏的小樹枝。貓頭鷹告訴了其它一些也忍受著不同痛苦的動物們這有一個好醫生。Dr. Dolittle 的麻煩開始了

  Dr. Dolittle starts to take on new animal patients, including a rat. His friends, associates and his wife, all become worried at his odd behavior, and he is sent to a psychiatrist for help. But Dr. Dolittle insists that his ability is real, and so the psychiatrist forces him to do a test to prove his claim: He has to talk to a gibbon.

  Dr.Dolittle 開始接診新的動物病人,甚至其中還有一隻老鼠。他的朋友 助手 妻子都開始感到擔心他奇怪的舉動,還把他送到了精神病院治療。但是 Dr.Dolittle 堅持説他有這種能力,所以精神病醫生一定要他做個測試來證明他有這種能力。他得和一隻長臂猿談話。

  One night after work, Dr. Dolittle and Lucky encounter a circus monkey who tells them about a circus tiger who has escaped from its cage. It seems the tiger is suffering from a painful disease, and wants to end his misery by jumping from a high building.

  一天 下班以後,Dr. Dolittle 和 Lucky 碰到了那只馬戲團的猴子。它告訴他們馬戲團有一隻老虎逃出籠子了。看來這只老虎忍受著病痛的折磨,所以它想跳樓 結束它的痛苦。

  Dr. Dolittle takes the tiger back to his clinic to perform an operation. He is determined to save the tiger, no matter what the consequences at the clinic. Will he succeed? He finishes the operation and saves the tiger’s life, thus proving himself, and winning the enthusiastic applause of everyone at the clinic -- even the animals.

  Dr. Dolittle 把老虎帶回了他的診所,並打算給它動手術。不管診所裏將發生什麼,他都決定要挽救老虎的生命。他完成了手術,挽救了老虎的生命。因此也證明了自己,他獲得了在場所有人和動物們的熱烈掌聲。


  1、bonehead 笨蛋

  2、What a zoo. 好亂呀

  3、Give me a break. 拜託 幫個忙 饒了我吧 別折騰我了

  4、That’s yesterday’s news. 這已經是昨天的事兒了。

責編:蘭華  來源:CCTV.com

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